Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Friday, November 7, 2008

NaNoWriMo wanted to eat my soul

But this God awful cold go to me first. Ugh.


So back to the real world. Word count....we're not going to mention that. Count down to close. Damn it, I'm not ready. Count down to winter (cause we are now in that dreary month of November that makes me a very sad panda when I look outside)

The Guild...well...when the x pac comes out I think people will calm down and until then we just have to keep people occupied. We'll probably lose a few more though I think that our core raiders will stay. We'll still have plenty of people for at least one and a half teams for ten mans before active recruiting. And if anyone them ever whisper me I'm going to give them a piece of my mind and then some. Grrrr

Well Happy Friday to all! I'm off to run errands. Screw the cold I want chai. OOOooooo now it's not so dreary.

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