Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I's gots mine!!!

WOOT!! Let the geeking out begin.

All in all it was easy as pie to get. (Where in the world did that saying come from? Pie is not easy to make, its a pain in the butt to make with the crust and the filly stuff and then there's the ever great make pretty designs so it looks professional. I should find a pie maker (ooo what a reference) who will just make swear words on the top of his and say I made it, then people would actually believe me.) Got there around 1040 and the line was already snaking through the store and out the door. After me came about another 70 people. Most of the people in line were cool, save for the dumbass highschoolers in front of me. There were all different ages groups from a very excited nine year old girl (who has a 70 druid) to a guy who looked at least mid fifties. When 12am hit it was like a bizzare and very effective assembly line. Hand them your receipt get your game, get your card and make a mad dash to your car. I have never seen so many adults squeal out of a parking lot in my life! Yay for self control, I only squealed around a corner.


So home I went and immediately downloaded it. That really only took about an hour so I thought that I would leave Kelso and Tab at the launch point for the new continent and go to bed. Ha! Hahahahhaaa. Since when have I ever had that much self control?

Yeah, I got to bed after two...who needs sleep?

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