Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Yes I am still alive

At least I think I am. Pardon the rambliness of this post I was up doing word sprints and word wars till past 2am. What are word wars? Well there is a particular forum and there you will find 10, 15, 20, and even 30 minute posts. What you do is post the time you want the war to start and then type as much as fast as you can and post how many words you got at the ending time. I must say I did not do too shabby word count wise, these blasted things helped me get to nearly 31,000 words, but man are they tireing.

Maybe if I wrote here words would fly out perfectly that actually helped my plot along (as opposed to what came out last night that turned one of my toughest characters into a winy cheating baby). Or at least it would be green there. Hmmm if you can't find me later I went looking for this place.

So I have made a list...ok big surprise I know.

The What to do when Wrimo ends list!

1) WoW, play lots of WOW. I want to level, I want to kill stuff and most of all I want my leatherworking to up dammit. Plus instances, there are so many I have not run yet and with all the DK's around I can get Lecanu through some too. Woot! Plus I miss my pets.

2) Read. I have a mini TBR pile waiting, my best propsective books are picked up and linned up against the wall like a line up. However it is possibly I might ignore all the new books I have to read and just jump into the first Kushiel Trilogy. Hmm haven't decided yet.

3) lots, maybe even a day of as much sleep I can manage. A binge of sleep.

4) Clean my house. NanoWriMo is not nice when I have to write so much and then think of the cleaning later. Specifically I need to dust. It's the old cleaning lady motto, "Get the dust before it gets you: (said in little old lady engish accent*).

Well with that I am off (like a prom dress, lol) to try and function on very little sleep. Happy Tuesday to all and to all a good turkey! Mmmmmmmmmmm turkey. MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm stuffing. Mmmmmmmmmmmm food porn.

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