Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I fell

off my god damned chair but it was so worth it!

Lol, freaking epic!

Ok, back to sorting the shelves...why do kitchens need so many cabinets? I'm convinced if I only had 1 I'd still have enough food. Well, maybe not what with the Tea Cabinet and all but still, there's stuff in there that I never bought!

(*Note to self, all roommates can keep their food somewhere else otherwise it gets left when I kick them out.)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wanna Go?

They did.

Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

To Totem or not to Totem


Idea A is great, on its way to being finished (well the 1st draft), I am finally happy with the plot and my characters are growing up nicely.

Enter---Idea B. Flashy, fun and just too exciting for its own good Idea B is like the hot new game, I want to play it but I have a couple others I haven't even opened yet. Idea B, still in its infancy really is sitting, notes and all in the filing cabinet waiting impatiently for a turn at the wheel.

Ideas C likes to stay a neat but very undeveloped idea that is no where on paper, just in my head. Idea D is half finished and likely to stay that way until a convincing villain can be found. Idea E is the prequel to Idea A, partly in notes, a few scenes worked out in the mega folder but again most of the info is in my head and likely to stay there until it is needed.

So I really needed Idea F to come along and basically make out with all my inspiration for the past few days.

I blame the Oscars, it came along right as Brittany and I were doing a live commentary on the red carpet dresses of "OMG what were you thinking". Seriously though, with all this going around I don't think I'll have down time soon where writing is concerned. Nearly two and a half years in the making and Wrimo '08 (pathetically named Kept from the Light at the spur of the moment) might actually be gelling into a story. There is still so much work to be redone, written anew and huge crater like plot holes to be filled but the core of it is, I think, good.

As a kid I was always writing stories (horror, adventure, the odd out essay, and stuff), attempting to make up my own alphabet, writing free verse and never really gave any of it much thought. It was just something to do. I tried my hand at longer stories before when I first got into college with really little actual drive, it wasn't a focus just something to do.

Maybe I saw my life differently after I got better, maybe when I was hurt it affected me more than I realize but since then I've taken writing much more seriously. Two and a half years on one story that is right now about 170 pages long and unfinished. I still like my characters, I think my plot rocks and the original picture that started it all is still one of my favorite parts.

Do I want to be a writer?

You know what, that might not be so bad. After all those customer service calls at work I think a simple Q & A won't be so bad. :)

So to end this ramble:

Dear Ideas B - Infinity,

I love you dearly and please remember to wait your *&%$&*@ turns.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Golden Years

So yesterday, for the first time in 7 years my old bones put on a well worn pair of skates and much loved equipment and played. I didn't just skate around. I didn't wuss out and put on my out stuff. There I was, right above the crease, shooters coming in on me, pucks flying at what looked to me like pretty high speeds. And I stopped them (well a good majority anyways!)

The thrill, the challenge of skater vs goalie, the awesome feeling of instinct as moves I haven't performed in so long came back instantly (including my two favorites "Reach-crap-there-goes-the-puck-diving swan-squid-thing" and "Catch-the-puck-between-my-glove-and-blocker"). One of the best parts was that little brother was one of the 3 shooters.

As kids we had a little which I mean I never let him score. Ever. I think I might have tackled him once football style just to stop him from getting close to the net. (What? I'm sure its legal in pond hockey rule 8 subsection 19!)

All the aches and pains (have I mentioned how much I love ibuprofen?) I have today, each and every one of them was so worth it. Next week, yeah I'm planning on going again. They'll be worth it then too.

When I was younger I knew a player who some days would be in such agony that she could skate one or two shifts a game and then cheered the rest of us on, gave advice, all that good stuff. I never understood then why she did it every week, game and practice. I do now. The pain isn't the point, it doesn't even really matter. Its all about the love for what your doing, the memories you have when you think about it, the passion you have when you talk about, the way it grows to be a part of your soul.

If someone asked me what I was a before I was hurt I had only one answer. I'm a hockey player. Not long ago I was asked the same question and I had answers but in my mind I thought it. If I had never laced up again I think I would always have thought it. But seriously, its so much better to say it.

So ask me world! Ask me what I am! The list is long and getting longer, more varied than I ever could have imagined but right up there, on the top of that list it proudly sits.

I am a hockey player!

Welcome to Goalie Country.