Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


A big part of playing a multi person game, anything from ice hockey to soccer, is learning to accept there are very different people in the world. Maybe because I have always been in some type of team atmosphere I have very little problem getting along with people, even those who are difficult. This makes work easier, WoW easier and teaches me patience at the same time. (Patience is good and I have major stock options.)

In The Knights Who Say Ni I lately have tried to take a more active role as an officer. For the past few months I was either not logging on at all except on raid nights (ie Friday) or I would be on for 5 minutes and then log off. It is normal to go through a period of burnout when you do something so often that it is a part of your daily routine. In that time I still responded to e-mails but really with just little asides, usually agreeing with the general consensus and letting things move on their own. I had my own projects, both writing wise and personally, I started working out and I have started planning home improvements that, more and more, need funding, and I am again considering a second job.

That said, the past week I have been more interested in the game. No, that's a lie, I couldn't honestly care less about end game right now. My interest? A level 45 druid wannabe tank and ubber pawning dps who is cruising right along both level wise and skillwise (jewelcrafting to be exact.) I log on, quest for an hour, farm ore for a half an hour or so and then go and do some chores while I fly to the next zone/city/whatever. It's good times and most people know my new alt project so I can take care of guild stuff/issues at the same time if any crop up. We have a new crop of guildies invited by multiple people who I long thought were kids and was proven to be right (over vent.) While we are mainly an adult guild so long as kids act fairly decent we've never had a problem.

One asks if his friend can join the guild too, I switch to Lecanu, send the invite, give out welcomes and general info on behavior, policy on the Guild Bank and send him on his way. That night we had an open slot in a gearing Naxx run and I gave it to him seeing as how there was a decided lack on interest in going and we were going to have to pug anyways. Then it starts.

Two hours before Naxx he starts worrying no one was on but the usual dinner crowd. I tell him to be cool and relax. This goes on for about an hour.

One hour before Naxx a guildie asks for heals for a daily heroic run, I need 5 more badges before getting my next Tier 9 piece so I go and immediately guild chat is over run with spam, questioning why we are in an instance (one that takes all of 15 minutes), is the run canceled, does this happen often, where are all the officers, the list goes on. Also I am getting private messages about how this is and that is wrong and we won't make it to the raid if we do the daily, so forth an so on.

I am, at this point reminding myself to be adult and not send him a tell amounting to "WTF go away and let me play this game that I am paying for you little weasel!"

This continues until the Naxx start time and a whole bunch of other crap goes on (2nd tank doesn't log on, the kid who was crying foul that he was not geared and who we originally set this raid up for did not log on, the pug pally healer decided he didn't have to heal our only tank and instead decided he wanted to raid heal without telling anyone this leaving to 3 wipes on Spider wing trash before I put up Recount and notice what he was doing.) Logging onto vent someone who's voice is still cracking is spouting off bizare lore info and swearing that he raided back in Classic (but didn't remember Naxx is a floating necropolis), has vent keyed to sound so we got to listen to him apparently breaking rocks over his desk every few minutes, all the while asking who is healing and then complaining that Naxx can't be run with just 2 healers, 1 geared out in Ulduar/ToC drops.

The current GM Myrrandar and I were going back and forth in private/officer chat all night. I apologized, he laughed. I sweared I would demote myself later from the Guild Council to Patsy, he laughed some more and then I looked at the Officer's note under Annoying Kid's name.

"Kelso assumes complete responsibilty for this"


We got 2 wings cleared with 9 people, the new guys got some good gear, some BoE drops were put in the GB along with some enchanting mats from the DE's and after 3 hours of this I felt like I had just spent a whole day babysitting the kid. Even mild always even tempered Myrr was annoyed and snapped at the A.K. a few times, calling the raid when Loatheb was down. (Our original guild member who is A.K.'s friend was fine, spening most of the night chatting with a guild friend who is also a teen over Vent chat. No idea what Duplicity thought of that night other than the fact he had the A.K. muted after about a minute.)

I am tolerant, patient and even tempered most days but I want to phantom guild kick this kid so bad it is crazy. In reality it is doubtful he'll last long in guild since he'll piss off one of the other officers, I'm sure of it. This is my de-stress activity, my winter hobby, and a place where I can chill with friends. I want to help the guild stay running smoothly and run some raids, heals some peoples, out dps the over geared, and slaughter everything in sight under the guise of a cute tattooed bear. I am sure my goals are the same as my fellow Council Members and the rest of our guildies.


Thankfully I do have a shadow alt in the guild only 1 person knows about.

Enter The Pink Nugget of Doom!

I have a feeling I will not hear the end of this for a while.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A step by step guide to getting through the winter

Hallooooooo! And welcome to December. Be prepared to be assaulted by badly sung Christmas music in any store you go. The weather will mock you, not giving you snow when you think there should be pretty whiteness and then dumping a foot on you at the earliest inconvience. For those in the population who get kind of down at the change of the seasons (personally I always feel better when the leaves are on the trees) the winter can be very long. Driving through Virginia long...shudder. So find 5 things that make your next hour, next day, or even the next week go by like a breeze! (I should so do my own infomercials.)

5. Home Improvements: This can get expensive but a little at a time is all it takes. My newest project is the upstairs (the Empty World that is no longer filled with stuff) redoing both the guest room and turning the smaller room into a writing room/study. Now all of this is just cosmetic, paints, new shades, some new cheapy furniture, pictures on the walls (and my fav LOTR poster from college my little brother found for me at his house and saved it! Oh yeah some days he rocks.) I really really really want to get the upstairs carpeted but that is a bit too much right now so I'm think more along the lines of bound carpet sections and maybe some nice sticky tiles for those places the carpet won't cover.

4. TBR aka the To Be Read pile: I have a big one...a very big one...the entire shelf of a book case kind of TBR. And I love the stupid thing to death. Now for people who dont' like reading there is always the TBW (To Be Watched), the loveliness of Netflicks and Cast TV for shows, or even the insanity of Youtube. Viral videos are great time killers, no lie.

3. Time Sinks: This is anything that takes 0 brain power but consumes half of your day. Winter is great for these, especially if you are unfortunate to fall alseep at 5am (when it is still dark out) and wake up around 5 pm (when it is again dark out). Video games are great T/S. Games like Caesar and Pharaoh, Balder's Gate (PS2 version) and Kingdom Hearts (so sue me I'm a chick) really don't require thought so much as pressing random buttons in near random order. *This is opposed to Battle for Middle Earth which routinely proves to me why I am not a general of an army. Sauron should really just fire me and get it over with. Do you think he gives out pink slips or just fireballs you death? Hmm food for thought.)

2. Hobbies. It could be porno watching, cheering for your favorite sports club or World of Warcraft. Do something to get that adrenaline going. (It's healthy...except too much porn, I'm pretty sure if you pull a Quagmire it is not healthy.) Hockey, football, basketball, Ninja Warrior, there is something out there for everybody. You could even be daring and dual screen it with two games on, a raid and a game on (...not that I would ever not give my full attention to keeping my friends alive. Nope not me...), bring friends over to the game or go visit your friendly neighborhood bartender. Keep up those hobbies because they are the bread and butter of getting through a New Englad winter.

1. Peoples: Friends, family, random people you meet on the street. Historically the winter was the time when people are most likely to be alone (and if you read that article in Time about how loneliness is now experiementally being called a social illness as opposed to a singular persons mental state this kind of ties it I guess) locked away in their homes and villages trapped by mountains of snow. (For some reason writing that sentence made me think of David the Gnome. I miss that show.) Being sociable when you are digging your car out of a snow monster is hard but good for your soul. :) Trust me.

So that concludes my rant from the Gate of North.


To Be Continued