Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Northrend here we come! (Look at Tab, he has his grrrr face on already.)

Now I have 3 pets I need to level and each one will be, for the most part, different ways. Tab, he's my right hand bear. Katen, levels nearly only in instances and with both the Nexus and Nerzul Ajeb coming up he keeps up with the others. Tarek is leveling purely as a 'I need to farm Nerubian chitin Artic fur and Leather, go go gorilladin!'

My favorite, favorite wooha part of the xpac so far is....Tuskar! If you don't like walrus people who are easy as hell to get rep with then you good sir are just plain crazy. Plus when I hit 77 I can get so much great gear for them for the grand total price of like 150 gold. Ha. Love those guys even if I do have to steal children to be friends with them.


How to explain how Wrimo is going?

WOW crits Wrimo for 500000. Wrimo dies.

Notebook rezes Wrimo and is also one shoted by WOW.

Wrimo stuns, poisosn, and mutilates WOW. (1st time ever I was happy to see a rogue!)

Wrimo has all day today when I finish laundry. Me, my laptop and my 2 notebooks are going to find someplace quiet, perhaps Borders and live there until my word count soars. Let the typing begin!

And my night, well, that belongs to Northrend. Hello level 73, I did not see you there.


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