Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Monday, August 31, 2009

They are like Cheez Its

Vampires I mean. This sparkly vamp crap aside (yes I've read the whole series and it is like watching "Worlds Deadliest Stunts". You know it will be bad but you watch anyways) lately I have noticed that nearly everyone writes about vampires at one time or another. Case in point, my author crush. I have yet to read anything by her that I haven't either like or loved (serious the Promethean series is the shiz, go read it, love it and rejoice that if she ever gets more written they will be awesome!) except my current read. She doesn't do anything new with vamps as creatures or as a culture (thank god they actually ignite in sunlight) and that's cool, it's a Victorian urban fantasy anyways. I just ask, what it the appeal to writerswhen it comes to vamps?

I've read Dracula. (BTW the last 10 pages are a cop out imho.) I've read Anne Rice, Richard Matheson, the last especially did a great job so as a reader perhaps I, in my own little part fuel the cycle (they do and always have sold very well), but I do wonder what is so alluring? The sex? The violence? Immortality? Easily understandable boundaries? Maybe everyone just wants to secretly pull a Bella Lugosi and wear a cape? It is one of modern life's great mysteries.

/cycles through 2007 short story folder

/comes across a vampire story

........... about those Battle Chickens?


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Party time!

A little late yes, but better than never.

On Saturday I had a little shindig down at my place and despite the weather it turned out pretty damned good. (If you compare it to my first dinner well, actually no, don't want to even think of that fiasco.) There was more than enough food (worry #1) and people had their choice to sit out on the deck or in the A/C inside. Good times had by all, I have so much food its coming out of my ears and aside from one wee little hiccup Jupitor was the model of a welcoming dog, friendly and gentle with all. (There was a good deal of happy Pittie snorting going on too.)

Lol every time I look in my frig I see all the stuff left behind (omw to indulge in some lunch actually) I laugh. Not only did we have more than enough food, there was more than enough booze due to Sister and Frank bringing along a well stocked cooler and all the stuff Dad bought, why its still mostly in my frig. Little Brother will drink the beers. The wine? Well...guess that means I have to throw another one!

/thinks very hard for actual theme to party

October applefest anyone? Ooo, hey, I can rock that! This requires copious amounts of apples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You Sunk My Azeroth

Well, last week was interesting! Announcements, theories, controversy, and the mere possibility of Heroic Deadmines! Combine that with our usual guild fun (T-7.5 geared people braving a T-9 raid just cause they can...and almost downing the 1st boss to boot? Sweet) and its been a party. Oh yeah, they released details of the new x-pac Cataclysm.

/rant in 3, 2, 1....

The face of Azeroth will change forever. Nelfs will lose half their territory and all my favorite zones will

/wants to rant

No rants. Not about the landscape changes anyways cause it really is a cool idea. End of the world anyone? Why yes I'll take one with a side of massive floods please. (2012 eat your heart out!) Plus this has given me a new project to help off set the writing stress. Lecanu has no titles (I refuse to slap Jenkins on her) while Kelso has one that is no longer even attainable in the game. So whatever she gets has to be not so common (meaning she won't be sporting the 'of Ironforge' one anytime soon). However few people have the time to get the Explorer title. Even in guild only 1 guy has it. So my project, to see the world of Warcraft, take 1 screen shot in every zone of my favorite place, kind of like a photo album of Azeroth gone by and get a title in the process. Lecanu the Explorer, sounds kind of dashing doesn't it? Especially for a midget in a dress.


The changes to gear, talents, stats and the apparent overhaul of hunters I will not write of here and now (though the hunter changes had me spitting fire when I read them the 1st time). With at least a year until the release (hell Icecrown citadel hasn't even been released yet and Blizz has said there will be over 20 raid bosses in there, hello slow progression) so much can change that my horror might be premature and even if it isn't, meh what can I really do? In the mean time please enjoy the giant head I found on a cliff in Aszhara, the zone that no one really goes to and that apparently will be the home of a returning big bad in Cata. I hope she leaves the trees alone.

/loves pretty yet empty Azshara

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well, this is my priest in all her glory, Tier pieces, and wack-a-mole mace of awesome doom. Go Go dwarven boobs. (People play elves alot and all but look at those rockets and picture how spectacularly they bounce when my avatar runs. I used to laugh running from place to place wondering if they would smack her in the face. Ah you have got to love the complete lack of realism the moment men reinvent physics.)

It bothers me my shoulders are that horrid and clash with my nice robe of awesome. Still working on it but should have shoulders with ethereal wings soon. Woot!

Thank You

I would just like to say how much I like blogs. Truthfully I've been down for a good 4 days now since the familial kaboom and was having a god awful time dragging myself out of it. Throw in the fact I sleep for about 3 hours a night for at least half the week and you can imagine how I feel.

So when I read "I DEMAND PIGGIES" I damn near burst a gut laughing. (I think I looked up, read it and laughed again!)

Invader Zim!!! I am your loyal follower and Gir, you rock.

So new blogs that will be replacing a few of the older ones that I find either not updated or no longer interesting.

I like Bubbles

PW: Bubble

Bubbles, one of the funniest parts of life. (And a permanant key binding when I group with Lefty)

(For Piggy goodness go to PW, I never liked playing mages but I may start one just to be able to make that macro!)

Stress Relief = ?

Me * 14(24/7)familial explosion - 2 days of sleep + {360min/25Nx) = stress

See, if Einstein can make up math so can I. My week has not been great. Good. Right now it is just above unbearable. The reasons are not for the web but needless to say there are many times in life when something will be said and later regretted because of hurt feelings or whatever. If only this was so simple. Standing up for yourself sometimes really sucks.

So to find some modicum of sanity, (as we know I don't do stresss all that well) I have started replotting some of my short story ideas from earlier in the year (Garden of Doom ftw!) and am again plugging away at my 2008 Wrimo. Deadlines work for me so I have set a deadline for the 1st draft of that to be done. It is October 14. When I figure out how there will be a timer countdown thingy somewhere. For good or bad I will have a draft done so that after Wrimo '09 (exciting!!!!) I'll have a completely free mindless month for December to edit. Woot!

Replotting is fun in a whole fruit market kind of way. It is basically pick and chose anything in the outline or draft that I want and then smoosh them all together like a yummy smoothy. Mmmmmmmmmm smoothy.


Beside that I have also dove back into reading with a vengence. Having bribed the library to reactivate my card (again...><) I am ready to face my 8 hour Northgate day! Over the weekend I finished The Angel's Game, a novel based in post Civil War Barcelona. I love, love love this author's other book The Shadow of the Wind (word porn!) and made the same mistake I make over and over again. It took about 100 pages for me to separate the books in my mind. Was it interesting? Yes. Do I like it as much as SotW? No. So leaving Spain behind I have started in to All the Windwracked Stars by my author crush Elizabeth Bear. (The Promethean series is highly recommend. Hell I might read it again!) I haven't actually figured out what the heck is going on or even what the heck these people are but its still great. My new mantra: I will keep an open mind to Scifi, I will keep an open mind to Scifi, ...

In Ni news we are 3 days away from Ulduar. Yikes! Progression raiding never seemed that bad when I was playing a Hunter exclusively, especially since I had 2+ years of experience on Kelsomar. Progression raiding as a Holy Priest is oh so different. Thankfully we have meshed together as a group. For good or bad we tend to collectively expect the worst so when bosses die and good stuff happens it is a surprise to everyone, (ie the full clear 2 weeks ago where after 2 hours three wings were down and there was a collective 'hell yeah'). I am assigned the same tank every week and while Koldhart needs to be /emote yelled at occasionally that he is sans healer and on his own cause I'm still drinking we work well together. (Nugget's still have evil spikey damage that I highly disapprove of. Warrior mitigation is oh so sweet and un-spikey.) Schmuck is coming back for Ulduar and Angus might reactivate his account too so it will really be a reuniting of most of the old Knights. Plus there is Ni radio. I love Ni Radio.


Well back to the Garden of Doom. Nature really is evil after all. ;)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Shiny drums

*Cue Drums*

Yesterday was patch-day. WHAT???? *&$%!

/clears throat

Ahem. Yes, the new content patch dropped yesterday and no, like every other freakin content patch for 3 and 1/2 years, I was not prepared. Fail. And neither was Blizzard, which is also normal so I don't feel so alone. (World Server is down? What a surprise!)

Patch notes aside, (they're never interesting and usually contain nerfs that get bitched about for weeks before and after), they did do a couple of things I'm happy about. (The nerf to Prayer of Healing is not one of them.) New non combat pets, faster slow mounts, more reasons to joust (/cry buckets of angel tears) and new fancy shiny hooker boots...I mean badge gear. This is a good thing.

I raid. I raid too much in my opinion but considering how little I play anymore its really not, 4 hours per week max. I still have craptastic gear. Blues. Bleh. Ulduar is next Friday. New patch, new raid aside Ulduar is the point of focus for the Knights Who Say Ni. With Ni Radio in the background and drunk people in the forground it will be a very good time. But I still have blues. This is a problem. Or it was. Now that there is easyily farmable badge gear (circa TBC Sunwell gear). All my little butt has to do is sit down for two hours a day for about 4-6 days, run a couple of heroics and collect phat loots like crit pants and a T8.5 helm. Then Ulduar will fear me. Or I'll fall out of my seat again when I drive the tank the wrong way into a building cause I'm laughing too hard. Either way the stress is gone.

But there are still buckets and buckets of angel tears. That's ok, I can throw them from the side of my new faster slow mounts. (Just typing that is fun!)

Ok back to The Angel's Game! Old time Barcelona FTW.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Silent Birds and other things

This morning I took Jup out and while he did his thing and I listened to the coyotes over in Broad Meadow fight over something I looked around my yard and realized that evil ferns of doom aside, it looks pretty good. Now it is not nearly close to being pretty but its not overgrown, the weeds are gone (again save for the doom ferns) and the ancient tables and chairs have been seen too. Since my Mom is in town until Tuesday and I will be with her today after work and possibly for most of tomorrow (trying to think of fun things to do that will allow me to wallow in AC is somewhat taxing) I was looking it over hoping that it doesn't look too bad. No one wants a parent to come by and say to themselves "What the hell is wrong with you?" (Hence the reason my I-Pod is charging as we speak and I will be on a hurricane cleaning spree before going to meet her.)

Why is this worthy of a blog post? I have a small problem with productivity.

I can start lots of things, stories, projects, hobbies, ect but seeing them to the end has always been very hard for me. I blame my abominable attention span. You think cats are bad? Not even close!

This is why, having decided to learn the guitar, I am doing research before even buying said instrument. Not that I have any sort of time table for this or that but I am collecting different resources and information now so when the "ennui" hits after two or three months I can combat it. Having ubber amounts of crap to do is the best way I have found to combat the seasonal woes and yes it is August now but soon it will be November (eww) and all gray and sad and 29 days of it will be completely turkey-less. (That's enough to make anyone hide in bed for hours!)

Plus I think the guitar will hurt a lot less than the pilates Brittany has been doing and I am now very interested in. Also Japanese classes have started up again at the akido dojo downtown and...oh crap I shouldn't get started, this post will never end.

Well, back to working my way through my TBR pile. I've gotten it down to 9 more books I've found in various closets, bookbags and one behind Jupitor's chair ( O.o). When they are finished I can go and spend copious amounts of money on new or old, shiny or grungy, crisp or soft books! What can I say, no one has ever called me picky. :)