Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Playing on Youtube

Well, my love for Youtube is never ending. One of the best things about it (besides watching awesome things like the snake eating rabbit) is the basically free music I can bookmark whenever I want. Music has been a focus for the past week mostly because I just got a great new mp3 player the Sansa View (a Sandisk thing).

Point #1: I hate I-pods. The device itself is fine (I call my little Nano Sqwiggles), the interface isn't hard for a luddite like me to use and the portability is great! But I-Tunes can go die in a fire. Anything that steals music that I had before I installed the program faces the wrath of me and that I'm told that is unpleasant.

(Now keep in mind that on my trip to Europe in high school I lugged around a cassette player and like 10 tapes along with my books, notebooks and other crap that is forever to be found in my backpacks both then and now.
It seems like I'm always behind the times when it comes to music technology. My first year at Northeastern I spent trying to find the best way to carry a taped up CD player around with out my giant history book of doom smashing it little itty bitty pieces.)

Point #2: Laziness. Yes, I am lazy. I don't like doing things over and over. I-pod needs recharging every freakin' day. The S-View? every week. Plus it's 4x the capacity and well, it looks cool.

It turns out I don't have enough music in my possesion to fill this little thing up so I goof around on Youtube and Grooveshark to listen and see if anything good and new catches my fancy. Suidakra I'm looking at you! New music is always fun but sometimes the classics can be even better.

Music that I've had since I was 18, that made its way from a tape, to a burnt CD is now on the S-View. Call me a geek but I really love my Final Fantasy Mix.

/Presses Play

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