Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pick your Posion

Now there are a lot of "Cons" in the world. There is ComicCon, DragonCon, ReaderCon, ect. If you know what any of them are then you are a geek. (Better yet you already know that and accept it as part of your DNA.)

But did you ever wonder how geeky you were? Well there's this charty thing that can help! Observe:

Click to read and pick where you belong.

While this is an excellent graph-thing it is missing some categories like those who listen to Alestorm or people who actually build their own airship goggles (not that I've thought about it, nope not me).

So, where do you rank?

(FYI It's a great confidence boost to at least be higher than a furry!)

(Chart by Lore Sjöberg)

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