Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

It is Official!!

NaNoWriMo has ended and I have won!


/happy dance

Thank you to everyone who supported me and put up with my whining! You rock way more than you know! :)

The best part is my novel is still going and I like it enough to keep with it! But for now I think I am going to go wallow in purple bar land. Or run around the neighborhood screaming like a manic Hello Kitty fan. I haven't really decided.


(The best part is I can use conjunctions again!)


So sometimes my brain and myself do not see eye to eye. I am the responsible one. Brain is not so much. Wrimo ends today. For me Wrimo should have ended yesterday but my attention was elsewhere. Namely fending off brain and his lame idea army. It went something like this:

You know for the sake of your hands you shouldn't write today. Take a day off, relax, enjoy life, yadda yadda.

Not interested Brain, go away.

I have a surprise for you...

Oh god save me, what is it?

Look in the backpack.

/looks and falls due to an anyuresm from seeing a book in there
->Gets back up before new officer notices and tries to decide the best way to kill Brain

Not funny.

I read that book for hours yesterday. I could not stop until I got home where I typed up the measly 3 pages I had to show for 8 hours of work (/sigh) and then had to word war another 3 thousand out. Grand total starting today is 44009. Only 6000 to go. Sweet. Wait...oh crap. The books is back in the backpack.

Gah! I can see that sadistic bastard I call a brain laughing at me. I will finish Wrimo and if you read this there is a good chance I'll be calling the moment I am verified!

Back to Wrimo! Charge!

/hand cramp


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ugga Ugga Splat

41,000 words...9,000 to go. Ugh.



Ok I'm awake. Well, I lie but still this is the best it's going to get today.

Once more with feeling!


Friday, November 28, 2008

Redemption, Tis the Season

A couple of years ago I was at Borders in Marlborough (big surprise) and unbeknown to me there was an author event. Usually authors chat it up with their readers, answer questions and even sometimes read passages from their books. It's great. I have been to a couple like Salvatore (he was really big with me at the time and still is fondly a favorite for fluff) and Brian Jacques (seriously I started reading his books when I was 11, this was huge and still one of my best memories!) both of which turned out really good crowds. Considering the time I spend at Borders I have stumbled on to many more and watched them all play out. This one day no one showed up. I mean no one. It was early on a Monday too but I felt really bad for this lady. Despite really feeling bad for her, (she was upset, rightly so, and packed up after awhile) I could not get up and go talk to her. I can make the excuses of shyness and a slight panic attack, the fact that I had never heard of the woman or any of her books, all of that is understandable but still, at the end of the day I felt like a tool.

I have regretted this since then.

So today I walk into Borders for a little browsing and relaxation and oh boy it is author day. Not one, not two but 14 local authors there to sign, talk and overall look good over by the music section. At least there were people talking to them, I did not feel obligated. But these people were one step ahead of me. Walking around the store they would come up to people, introduce their books (and themselves) and have a nice little conversation with you. Over all I talked to 7 of them, some who came up to me and others who I went up to.

While it can't help that women who had a bad day years ago I think karma may accept it anyways. Some of the books sounded really interesting and though I could not buy them today I have their names for either the TBL or TBR lists. Rock on writers, rock on!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Yes I am still alive

At least I think I am. Pardon the rambliness of this post I was up doing word sprints and word wars till past 2am. What are word wars? Well there is a particular forum and there you will find 10, 15, 20, and even 30 minute posts. What you do is post the time you want the war to start and then type as much as fast as you can and post how many words you got at the ending time. I must say I did not do too shabby word count wise, these blasted things helped me get to nearly 31,000 words, but man are they tireing.

Maybe if I wrote here words would fly out perfectly that actually helped my plot along (as opposed to what came out last night that turned one of my toughest characters into a winy cheating baby). Or at least it would be green there. Hmmm if you can't find me later I went looking for this place.

So I have made a list...ok big surprise I know.

The What to do when Wrimo ends list!

1) WoW, play lots of WOW. I want to level, I want to kill stuff and most of all I want my leatherworking to up dammit. Plus instances, there are so many I have not run yet and with all the DK's around I can get Lecanu through some too. Woot! Plus I miss my pets.

2) Read. I have a mini TBR pile waiting, my best propsective books are picked up and linned up against the wall like a line up. However it is possibly I might ignore all the new books I have to read and just jump into the first Kushiel Trilogy. Hmm haven't decided yet.

3) lots, maybe even a day of as much sleep I can manage. A binge of sleep.

4) Clean my house. NanoWriMo is not nice when I have to write so much and then think of the cleaning later. Specifically I need to dust. It's the old cleaning lady motto, "Get the dust before it gets you: (said in little old lady engish accent*).

Well with that I am off (like a prom dress, lol) to try and function on very little sleep. Happy Tuesday to all and to all a good turkey! Mmmmmmmmmmm turkey. MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm stuffing. Mmmmmmmmmmmm food porn.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I was only checking my blog list tonight before starting to type my wrimo up...ugh. Anyways this was just so perfect I had to steal it. Well, after I stopped laughing my butt off anyways. Happy Wednesday all! Hmmm and Thursday too!

(Gamer cat needs more Dew!)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Northrend here we come! (Look at Tab, he has his grrrr face on already.)

Now I have 3 pets I need to level and each one will be, for the most part, different ways. Tab, he's my right hand bear. Katen, levels nearly only in instances and with both the Nexus and Nerzul Ajeb coming up he keeps up with the others. Tarek is leveling purely as a 'I need to farm Nerubian chitin Artic fur and Leather, go go gorilladin!'

My favorite, favorite wooha part of the xpac so far is....Tuskar! If you don't like walrus people who are easy as hell to get rep with then you good sir are just plain crazy. Plus when I hit 77 I can get so much great gear for them for the grand total price of like 150 gold. Ha. Love those guys even if I do have to steal children to be friends with them.


How to explain how Wrimo is going?

WOW crits Wrimo for 500000. Wrimo dies.

Notebook rezes Wrimo and is also one shoted by WOW.

Wrimo stuns, poisosn, and mutilates WOW. (1st time ever I was happy to see a rogue!)

Wrimo has all day today when I finish laundry. Me, my laptop and my 2 notebooks are going to find someplace quiet, perhaps Borders and live there until my word count soars. Let the typing begin!

And my night, well, that belongs to Northrend. Hello level 73, I did not see you there.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

I's gots mine!!!

WOOT!! Let the geeking out begin.

All in all it was easy as pie to get. (Where in the world did that saying come from? Pie is not easy to make, its a pain in the butt to make with the crust and the filly stuff and then there's the ever great make pretty designs so it looks professional. I should find a pie maker (ooo what a reference) who will just make swear words on the top of his and say I made it, then people would actually believe me.) Got there around 1040 and the line was already snaking through the store and out the door. After me came about another 70 people. Most of the people in line were cool, save for the dumbass highschoolers in front of me. There were all different ages groups from a very excited nine year old girl (who has a 70 druid) to a guy who looked at least mid fifties. When 12am hit it was like a bizzare and very effective assembly line. Hand them your receipt get your game, get your card and make a mad dash to your car. I have never seen so many adults squeal out of a parking lot in my life! Yay for self control, I only squealed around a corner.


So home I went and immediately downloaded it. That really only took about an hour so I thought that I would leave Kelso and Tab at the launch point for the new continent and go to bed. Ha! Hahahahhaaa. Since when have I ever had that much self control?

Yeah, I got to bed after two...who needs sleep?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

What a day!

Really though you can't always start out thinking in terms of daylight day and a full counted 24 hours. It all started last night when we, the Knights who Say Ni decided to go into Black Temple, the very house of Illidan to see what we could do. And we downed Naj'entus, the 1st boss and got the 2nd boss Supremus to 1/3 health. Woot! Ni! This is a really big deal as we are not very far progressed into Hjal, the raid that is a level under BT.

So that was cool and after we were done I started to work on my Wrimo. Yes my little brain fart that was a mixture of a day dream and a sub story for a plot bunny that visited months ago has begun to come into its own. Working on it isn't as daunting as day 1 (well it was really day 5 cause I got a late start). Every day I work on it, first 4, then 5 and today 6 full pages to transcribe. Every year I try this and in the past I have failed for lack of patience or gumption I was never really quite sure. But this year, here and now I know that I want it, I want that purple bar next to the name Lancer1025. I want to win. It already feels like week 2, the week where I normally fizzle and go all ADD but all I really feel is the urge to write more. This is my NaNoWriMo.

Every writing project I do ends up with it's own soundtrack. Last year was Celtic Angels, Classic Anime mix and Lacuna Coil. This year is the Finding Neverland OST. More will undoubably latch onto my story or, like in Ukaden's case, a particular character but for now Finding Neverland is ok with me. My favorite track so far is Neverland - Piano Variation in Blue. The whole thing can be listened to for free on

Well, I'm off to transcribe some more, maybe log onto WoW for a bit before bed. Hmm perhaps reward myself with quality hunter time if I get all my transcribing done. Reward system works for me, just call me Pavlov's Kelso. :)

Friday, November 7, 2008

NaNoWriMo wanted to eat my soul

But this God awful cold go to me first. Ugh.


So back to the real world. Word count....we're not going to mention that. Count down to close. Damn it, I'm not ready. Count down to winter (cause we are now in that dreary month of November that makes me a very sad panda when I look outside)

The Guild...well...when the x pac comes out I think people will calm down and until then we just have to keep people occupied. We'll probably lose a few more though I think that our core raiders will stay. We'll still have plenty of people for at least one and a half teams for ten mans before active recruiting. And if anyone them ever whisper me I'm going to give them a piece of my mind and then some. Grrrr

Well Happy Friday to all! I'm off to run errands. Screw the cold I want chai. OOOooooo now it's not so dreary.