Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


For those of you who like books, movies, tv, pop culture, or just lists of random stuff, behold! Who was the worst Villan? *cue creepy harpsicord music*

Spoiler Alert

Who in the world wrote this? A Beatrix Potter villan beats The Joker or Mr. Hyde? Voldemort is in the top 10? He wasn't even scary! Evil is as evil does. Moriaty and Patrick Bateman should he higher on the list in my humble opinion and as for the number 1 spot, well that I have no problems with. Now I'm not a big religon person but I have read Paradise Lost and in that Satan is one bad dude. bad sneaky invisble goat changeling guy demon thing. Also Cruella De Vil I am still creeped out by so no arguments here. (Quick hide the puppies!)

But, as a life long devoted fan to one of my favorite books from childhood I say that Jenner from "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH" should have made the list. Creepy rat guy, ugh hate the swishy tail.

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