Finally, another Sunday is here
What is this you may ask? A Sunday? Why yes and here is why:
1) Donut Day
2)At 2pm my weekend begins
3)BigRedKitty podcast comes out
4)Borders coupons
I could go on but you get the picture. And I'll need this breather cause next week is going to be very very busy. With what? Well applications and interviews for my second job, Jup, Button and Nanao need their rabies boosters and only Nanao is lazy enough to not fight getting into the cat carrier, I must again make war with the garden as the weeds pulled back from the assualt on the flowers outside the kitchen but have doubled their efforts around the deck and the living room windows, at least three raids this week (being Kara, Gruul's lair and a new one Magtheridon's Lair) two of which I have to organize plus leveling Lecanu cause we need a new dedicated healer for the xpac, massive fall cleaning before it gets too cold making me too lazy and books!
Yes books!
/wave at books
/hug books
/feed pets that are unhappy at all the attention showered on the books
This week I think I'll foray into the PTA to try out the new talent trees for hunters. Want to get a running start come November. Why? Haste Gear. There are numbers involved so it's hard to explain but lets just say Wrath will be one awesomely fun time for me. Over 100 new leatherworking patterns, new instances (cause that's really my favorite aspect of the game), new places, slapping Death Nuggets silly, what is there not to love?
I had a conversation with a friend of mine on WoW last week. He's a high level Resto Druid who raids T5 and T6 content. He's unhappy (at least he sounds it) that it's coming out so soon and he hasn't seen everything in BC yet. Well, that I can understand. I felt the same way when Vanilla WoW became a ghost land once Outland opened up. Then again, we are still months away from T6 and need far more dedicated raiders for T5 so I'm kind of skewed towards new stuff.
Oh and one more thing...
Yes that's right, bears are back and they are better than ever. Tab, who hasn't gone on a raid in months and who rarely does anything but hang out on farming nights, has to shake off all that lazy not-been-used-fat and start tanking. He will have a new ability, swipe (hits 3 mobs at once like a feral bear druid), plus a whole lot of other cool stuff as every pet will now have their own talent tree and special talent only skills. Now if only I could put capes on them...shiny capes with sparklies.
/waves at Taberth
Mmmmm, books. Speaking off I think I forgot to write a review of my last finished read so I'm off to be productive. By the way, when the zombie war starts I'm raiding Higgins Armory and decking out in you-can't-bite-me fashions from yester year.
Zombies. You're what's for dinner.
Breaking the Silence
5 weeks ago
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