Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's a drought I tell you

What could be the answer to such a horrid circumstance? Why cheezy westerns and men in kilts of course. It is September, the month of book releases, the Highland Games and waiting for the next western to hit theaters. Oh yeah, Highland Games. Men chucking trees into the air = win.
The westerns were a good deal less fun. I have and always will like westerns, both books and movies. (Err, I rephrase...I like quality westerns). This is the only genre that can beat out sci fi/fantasy for the title of the cheeziest. For every good western made, 100 bads came before. I can only think of 5 really great westerns (that don't involve Clint Eastwood, the guy has the same expression in every movie, it's weird). Yikes that's alot of bad ones. Either they are completely cliche and cookie cutter or they involve some weird God aspect where the killer sees the light and goes to care for endangered baby goats or something. I'd rather pull out Open Range watch one the arguably best gun fights ever to hit DVD. Hmmm rainy Sunday night = movie night. Wohoo. And possibly, just maybe the road will be dry enough tomorrow that I can venture forth to zen heaven.

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