Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Smile in the face of bleh

Another Sunday, another donut day, and it is, once again raining. This past summer spoiled me, rain seems like a dreary chore as opposed to what it really is, a necessity. So for the past 3 days I've been playing the "keep me occupied" game. Today I think I'm losing. That may change. Perhaps it's the impending arrival of November and NaNoWriMo (can not wait!) or October (grrr let me see the damn movie) but inspiration has been slapping me around like an orca with a seal. It's been painful and stunning at the same time. It's a good thing too cause eventually the Worcester Library is going to send out recovery squads if I don't give them their books back. :(

Recently I bought a new video game, one I've wanted for ages. Battle for Middle Earth, but it also came with the sequel Battle for Middle Earth 2 (original) and the xpac the Witchking saga. Age of Empires let me think I had a mind for strategy. Age of Empires lied to me. Either that or I've gotten dumber so lets blame AoE. In all seriousness the Navy should be really glad they never let me drive one of those nuclear powered air craft carriers (that was the video they sent me when I requested info), I can see it wouldn't have ended pretty.

I think perhaps it's time for a vacation. To get away from it all for a day. Hmmm someday this week sounds excellent and I know just the place I want to go. Pics will be coming. In the meantime I will spend hours (oh yes, hours, woot) reorganizing my books. It's raining and I really have nothing else to do. Well I could actually work but what fun would that be. :) Happy Sunday all!

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