Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oh the Joys

Cats. I have 2. One, Nanao, took to me right away and since the first week has as refused to leave me alone. If I sitting she's with me, walking the same, hell sometimes she even rides on my shoulder. Button, my first cat has been a completely different experience entirely. I got her from the local rescue the same week I moved into my place. I'd see her, give her a pat on the head and then she'd ignore me for days. Over a year and a half later we are finally bonding! She's slowly being more affectionate and is getting used to me bugging her alot. Now she still attacks Jupitor every day (to the point where he hides behind me and shakes if she gets close to him...Yeah still working on that) but it's getting better. The point is with cat parenthood patience with rescue cats is a must. Returning her like a package of wrong sized socks was not an option when she was sketchy cat and now the rewards of all the time and effort are coming forth. Plus, she's just so damn cute!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Smile in the face of bleh

Another Sunday, another donut day, and it is, once again raining. This past summer spoiled me, rain seems like a dreary chore as opposed to what it really is, a necessity. So for the past 3 days I've been playing the "keep me occupied" game. Today I think I'm losing. That may change. Perhaps it's the impending arrival of November and NaNoWriMo (can not wait!) or October (grrr let me see the damn movie) but inspiration has been slapping me around like an orca with a seal. It's been painful and stunning at the same time. It's a good thing too cause eventually the Worcester Library is going to send out recovery squads if I don't give them their books back. :(

Recently I bought a new video game, one I've wanted for ages. Battle for Middle Earth, but it also came with the sequel Battle for Middle Earth 2 (original) and the xpac the Witchking saga. Age of Empires let me think I had a mind for strategy. Age of Empires lied to me. Either that or I've gotten dumber so lets blame AoE. In all seriousness the Navy should be really glad they never let me drive one of those nuclear powered air craft carriers (that was the video they sent me when I requested info), I can see it wouldn't have ended pretty.

I think perhaps it's time for a vacation. To get away from it all for a day. Hmmm someday this week sounds excellent and I know just the place I want to go. Pics will be coming. In the meantime I will spend hours (oh yes, hours, woot) reorganizing my books. It's raining and I really have nothing else to do. Well I could actually work but what fun would that be. :) Happy Sunday all!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008


For those of you who like books, movies, tv, pop culture, or just lists of random stuff, behold! Who was the worst Villan? *cue creepy harpsicord music*

Spoiler Alert

Who in the world wrote this? A Beatrix Potter villan beats The Joker or Mr. Hyde? Voldemort is in the top 10? He wasn't even scary! Evil is as evil does. Moriaty and Patrick Bateman should he higher on the list in my humble opinion and as for the number 1 spot, well that I have no problems with. Now I'm not a big religon person but I have read Paradise Lost and in that Satan is one bad dude. bad sneaky invisble goat changeling guy demon thing. Also Cruella De Vil I am still creeped out by so no arguments here. (Quick hide the puppies!)

But, as a life long devoted fan to one of my favorite books from childhood I say that Jenner from "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH" should have made the list. Creepy rat guy, ugh hate the swishy tail.

Oh My God the Cuteness

I had to share it, I just had to. Ack I want to hug something! Awe, who doesn't love polar bear cubs.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Finally, another Sunday is here


What is this you may ask? A Sunday? Why yes and here is why:
1) Donut Day
2)At 2pm my weekend begins
3)BigRedKitty podcast comes out
4)Borders coupons

I could go on but you get the picture. And I'll need this breather cause next week is going to be very very busy. With what? Well applications and interviews for my second job, Jup, Button and Nanao need their rabies boosters and only Nanao is lazy enough to not fight getting into the cat carrier, I must again make war with the garden as the weeds pulled back from the assualt on the flowers outside the kitchen but have doubled their efforts around the deck and the living room windows, at least three raids this week (being Kara, Gruul's lair and a new one Magtheridon's Lair) two of which I have to organize plus leveling Lecanu cause we need a new dedicated healer for the xpac, massive fall cleaning before it gets too cold making me too lazy and books!

Yes books!

/wave at books

/hug books

/feed pets that are unhappy at all the attention showered on the books

This week I think I'll foray into the PTA to try out the new talent trees for hunters. Want to get a running start come November. Why? Haste Gear. There are numbers involved so it's hard to explain but lets just say Wrath will be one awesomely fun time for me. Over 100 new leatherworking patterns, new instances (cause that's really my favorite aspect of the game), new places, slapping Death Nuggets silly, what is there not to love?

I had a conversation with a friend of mine on WoW last week. He's a high level Resto Druid who raids T5 and T6 content. He's unhappy (at least he sounds it) that it's coming out so soon and he hasn't seen everything in BC yet. Well, that I can understand. I felt the same way when Vanilla WoW became a ghost land once Outland opened up. Then again, we are still months away from T6 and need far more dedicated raiders for T5 so I'm kind of skewed towards new stuff.

Oh and one more thing...


Yes that's right, bears are back and they are better than ever. Tab, who hasn't gone on a raid in months and who rarely does anything but hang out on farming nights, has to shake off all that lazy not-been-used-fat and start tanking. He will have a new ability, swipe (hits 3 mobs at once like a feral bear druid), plus a whole lot of other cool stuff as every pet will now have their own talent tree and special talent only skills. Now if only I could put capes on them...shiny capes with sparklies.

/waves at Taberth

Mmmmm, books. Speaking off I think I forgot to write a review of my last finished read so I'm off to be productive. By the way, when the zombie war starts I'm raiding Higgins Armory and decking out in you-can't-bite-me fashions from yester year.

Zombies. You're what's for dinner.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Geeked Out...Again

Ok so the world will end at about 10pm tonight. If it doesn't a miracle has happened my friends. Tonight is my first time as a full raid leader. (Thank God Nicilis will be there too cause other than the group makeup I have no idea what to do.) All those times I mumbled and grumbled outside of vent, whispering to myself in utter horror when things go wrong have culminated in this moment. I'm just praying to God we don't wipe on the Huntsman.

About a week ago the cimematic trailer for the new WoW xpac came out:
and yes I completely geeked out and watched it like 3 times. Yesterday Janive (the only kid in the guild to my knowledge and wealth of wotlk info) screamed out in guild chat the release date! Nov 13 (crap at least I think it's the 13th I have really no clear memory as I was in ZA trying to avoid bombs), on yeah when I get home there will be a reservation I have to make. Will I be there at midnight? Yes. Am I the only one of our family who is this much of a gamer. No, little Brother did the same thing for Halo (woot cover by misdirection). Am I excited? Not for the reason you may think.

My main is a hunter. I have a pet (actually 3). Tab's the oldest, Modo's the prettiest and Katen's the most dangerous but none of them can tank a 5 man instance. They just don't have the health or the armor. However, besides finally getting new stable slots (all hunters are rejoicing over this) there are exotic pets that only certain hunters can get. As a devoted BigRedKitty follower I am on top of this. My new pet, my new awesome instance tanking pet will be....a worm. Say hello to Mr. Mcsnuffyfuggles! It's kind of technical as to why he's now mine (well will be in November) but lets just say he wasn't my first choice. I wanted a rhino and a corehound (the two headed demon looking thing) but everyone will have those. I have Mcsnuffyfuggles. (That really won't be his name, I'm thinking more along the lines of Tarek). A new class will be introduced in the xpac, the Death Nugget. Actually Death Knight, think a paladin on acid who can and does call on the undead to fight for him and do other things that I just don't care about. Will I do the quest and unlock this new class to be my very own. Meh. Not really, I might but don't bet on it. But I think I'll have a blast trying to kill all the Nuggets in battlegrounds. Ugh, have to go, busy schedules and all. Happy Tuesday!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Release Dates....Hah

Ah Mondays. They are very quickly becoming my favorite day of the week. Why? Well they're free. Monday is my weekend rolled up into a nice quiet morning, afternoon and night. This Monday is better than any for one reason. Release dates. Now unless something is a phenomenon (like the Twilight series) these dates are generally more of a guideline than a rule. Toll the Hounds (a book I have been waiting 6 months for) was supposed to be out tomorrow but I, a student of Borders, thought that a copy may have found its way to the shelves early. One did. Wohoo! Happy Dance! Between that and a visit to one of my favorite places it was a really good day. Off to start my new book!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's a drought I tell you

What could be the answer to such a horrid circumstance? Why cheezy westerns and men in kilts of course. It is September, the month of book releases, the Highland Games and waiting for the next western to hit theaters. Oh yeah, Highland Games. Men chucking trees into the air = win.
The westerns were a good deal less fun. I have and always will like westerns, both books and movies. (Err, I rephrase...I like quality westerns). This is the only genre that can beat out sci fi/fantasy for the title of the cheeziest. For every good western made, 100 bads came before. I can only think of 5 really great westerns (that don't involve Clint Eastwood, the guy has the same expression in every movie, it's weird). Yikes that's alot of bad ones. Either they are completely cliche and cookie cutter or they involve some weird God aspect where the killer sees the light and goes to care for endangered baby goats or something. I'd rather pull out Open Range watch one the arguably best gun fights ever to hit DVD. Hmmm rainy Sunday night = movie night. Wohoo. And possibly, just maybe the road will be dry enough tomorrow that I can venture forth to zen heaven.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

These are the days of our lives

A game of waiting. Like a hunter stalking prey I stalk anything and everything that will get me out of this hole of boredom. As it stands I have 2 blogs, am thinking of starting a list of observations, a pile of library books and still my brain gives out a very loud *sigh. This may be that french disease ennui. Meh, 3 more days. My mantra that repeats through my head everytime I look at my car and calculate how fast I can run to it and whether its worth abandoning my books to escape this dreg of boredom. Spark. An idea. I'm smiling. :) What is it that I like to do more than anything else in the world? Why yes please, I'll take 'rant like a maniac' for 200.

Topic: Crocodile Dundee can mind control water buffalo so why can't I control squirrels

Answer: It is, in essence, the result of a biochemical that grants the squirrel (levels 45 and above only) with a +5 resist to your crappy ass mind powers. Since you still can't bend a spoon, (no matter how much the guy on JAG says you can) or levitate the toaster to a more approriate location then really what else should the squirrels do but laugh at you?

Notice the change in POV...perhaps I really am crazy. But seriously I think it has finally happened. The absolute horror of the the truth is so abominable that I cannot even speak the words out loud. They burn my throat and set fire to every principle I have. Addicts have walls they hit. Eventually either the wall squishes them to death or they move away from it and go somewhere else. Words are and always have been the closest thing to a drug I can imagine. I love them, I want to live in them and never stop being around them. Ever. So the crux of the issue is that I damn near am drowning in them. Ahhhhhh! This is also problematic considering the number of library books I just got last week. So my solution to this unneeded stress. Why kill stuff of course. What the world considers my sin I considered happy fun time. Namely sleeping alot, sitting outside and gaming. Lately, lots of gaming in the wee early morning hours. So few people are on it feels like I'm all alone in that great big world. Also my PS2 skills have needed sharpening. Woot for Okami!

Grrrrrr. Still bored. Hmm maybe I should start calling people to make sure they are nice and awake to enjoy this glorious Saturday morning. *Evil laugh.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Wow, ok what a way to start a week. First off almost visited Boston a day before classes actually start and 3 days before mine start. Yes I need to learn how to read. The guild Powow last night was interesting, mostly because some of the newer people voiced their opinions and some of those stodgy ones were not on line. And well men in skirts but that is a story for another time.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wish Me Luck

Woot. As always right before the semester starts I get interested in WoW again. Meh, I'll deal. This past weeks raid gave me a bit of a surprise. After learning how to hunter tank with Lefty, (this involves both of us being pelted with lightning and turned into rabbits) we challenged Gruul. Someday I will get better at running away from the falling rocks that squish me into night elf goo. Anyways Gruul goes down, loot handed out and the damage meters were posted in raid chat. I am a mediumly geared hunter with a semi good (but not the best) dps pet, (good Katen!) and um well I topped the meter. {Enter gush of yay} Damage done and dps. WOOT! But, afterwards when I finally tried to sleep it got me thinking. What would happen if I actually tried to get new gear, better gear, bright sparkling shiny epic gear...hmmm. I have 3 days, 3 days left of freedom before my brain has to actually work again. So it's been posted. People have signed up. My god damned stupid *&^%ing trinket will drop! I demand it does. (Explanation: have you ever tried to do something 22 times and it not work out? 22 Black Morass runs and it hasn't dropped. Sadness.) Between that, my last ten badges and hopefully only a couple runs through Magisters Terrace (I hate this place) and oh yeah I will rock. Or at least suck a little less. Cause once the semester starts my pitiful amount of playing time will shrink. I have already been surpassed gear wise, and with new hunters in the guild I have to fight for my place in raids, especially with winter coming up. Winter = Wow. I can't help it, I'm a baby when it gets that cold. Ok back to reading, the TBR and TBL piles aren't getting any smaller.

BTW, Happy Saturday Peoples! :)

Hello Kitty

Hello rain. Yes, it's raining here and as a negligent blogger I have to admit that I like it. It's nice to have a crappy weather day since there is no pressure to enjoy nature. Bright sunny summer days are like cheesecake, if I don't enjoy it in all it's glory then well there's something wrong with me. I feel like a bad person, (and some sadistic little voice in my head whispers a countdown till winter, eeek!) and that can be very tiring. But rainy days....oh the joy! Now when I get home, hop back into my pj's and pop a movie in or maybe log on to do BM a few times there will be no guilt. Woot for no guilt, I like it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hello Brightside

Labor day has come and gone. It was a beautiful weekend, lots of fun to be had by all and now, finally autumn is on it's way. Pretty! Yeah, as of right now I actually have nothing to blog about so I shall ramble and once I come back from my adventures today I'll try again and I might even have pictures. Yes I am going to that sacred space know as Waters Farm. There is a definite need of zen. Wow library visit and trip to zen land, it'll be a good day.