Everyone is afflicted with something. Whether it be the horrible pig flu or the dreaded Zombie skin disease that so many have to deal with in these long cold months no doubt everyone has something. (Trust me, I'm sure of it. Even Jupitor has something aka the OMG there are wrinkles in my blanket and I must destroy them! -itis, quite tragic really.)
I have a mild case of ADD.
(This is not to be confused with ADD Elf syndrome. Those who have it know who they are and know how to break PS2 buttons.)
This quite mild ADD of mine comes and goes, kind of gas. Don't believe me? Just ask my poor coworkers who have to put up with it on a slightly regular basis culminating in the debacle that was Friday and my trip to Stop N Shop just to have something to do after the Gun Story.
....You haven't heard of the Gun Story? Ummmmm, moving on!
My attention span is limited at best. I can read novels because so long as stuff is happening I have no problem. (Henry James I'm lookin at you! Shit is happen in novels!!!!) I played World of Warcraft for a couple years though the last one was mostly cause I was used to it, not so much that it was enjoyable and I had a bazillion characters I rotated through on a regular basis. Think of me as an alt whore. :)
I routinely pick a spot on the map and stalk it via Google maps (street view rules!) So far a couple European nations, Japan (Osaka especially), New Zealand (both islands) have all been explored.
New Zealand is obviously my new interest and I have a few forums I check regularly, a newspaper I read daily and blogs I read front to back. Of those the best, by far is Kia Ora, Y'all!
Like most blogs out there it is geared towards the author's family, friends and social circle but there are so great insights into the culture shock of moving to another country that anyone can find both amusing and helpful. (A plus to this particular blog is the lack of "Ugly American" syndrome many of the others I've found suffer from. There is no reason to complain that someplace half way around the world is not as pleasant as the place you left.)
Having the attention span of a ferret on a coffee high is at times trying, even for me but can lead to some pretty good times too. I'd rather be a ferret than have bacon flu. It helps keep me busy (and keep my house clean), gives me plenty of projects (anyone have tips on laying down carpet thresholds? The nails look like screws but their nails. Hmm also tips about replacing stair boards would be mightily appreciated. DIY will be interrogated tomorrow) and bouts of inspiration that I can even handle occasionally. (Like now, been brainstorming since about quarter of 7 non stop. Pffff who needs sleep when major plot points can be solved.)
Maybe its not ADD. Maybe I have a super fast brain that through awakening the sleeping parts has conquered linear thought!
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