Have you ever been in a closet?
I have. (Mine is nice, it has an unfinished wooden floor! Wait, no not that kind of closet...)
I am a closet optimist.
/hides in shame!!!
Yes. I do my best to be all cynical and grrrr chop chop chop but when it comes down to it I just can't maintain for very long. I remember in my emo high school days when being all moody and grrr was cool and kind of fun. Maybe I just got to old but lately I've been seeing things in a whole new and disgustingly shiny light.
I really really want to travel. Not like go to Hartford for a day kind of travel but my ass is on a plane for hours across oceans to places no one in my family has ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That kind of travel. I save, I scrimp, I cheese it diet myself to death (but only that one time), I do all that I can to get my ass to say New Zealand. Then last week it was in sight. One more year of saving and I would be there with lots of money in March '11 or with little money but lots of enthusiasm in October '10. (I was pushing for Oct at first but now with Elvis Excursion 2010 coming up in November that seemed like too much time off from work.)
All seemed happy easy until my car decided to eat itself. Transmissions, pfffffff who needs 'em!
Apparently the Buick does.
Now the search for a new car and as usual I am being incredible indecisive. Newer car that could last for awhile (and spell utter doom for NZ '11) or older model that will be less to insure and tax that could last for a few years and let the travel continue? Yeah, I'd love a car that wasn't every 80 year old's dream ride but honestly when have I ever cared about fashionable stuff? After careful consideration and the horror stories shared at work a few hours ago about the average car payment (OMFG) I have decided that older is the way to go. Not retard car but something solid enough to get me from point A -> Point B with as little monthly expense as possible.
Now this is not the popular option (not even with myself half the time) but sometimes you have scrimp and you have to save.
One thing is sure. I will see the Land of the Long White Clouds and I will see it soon!
Depression isn't going to help me get there any faster and with the economy the way it is I can't really count on getting a second job soon (though I hope someone reads my apps). So I'm going to try selling my books.
/Shock and horror
No not all of them. I have crates and crates of books that I don't want. At first I was going to give them away but I may as well try to sell them. Anything to help the cause.
I'd love count on my novel (never ending self induced thing of pain it is) but its no where near even close to done and that's not a really sure thing anyways. Not yet but it is one cool ass story in my opinion and very saleable with absolutely no vampires or werewolves! (Very proud about that.)
Starting my travel fund from 0$ is not the brightest moment in the new year but also not the end of it either. Have backpack - will travel! :)
(What are the odds I'll end up with another Buick? There can't be that many more 95's left on the road, can there?)
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