Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Friend

Friends, meet Caine. Caine is fun. I recommend being friends with him. Just don't expect him to watch his language. Ignore the cheezy cover, this book is way cooler that that.

So Happy October!
*cheer for Fall, pumpkins, leaves in other peoples yards, ghosts, toasty fires, leaves still on trees, and books
Oh yes, the annual find new scary horror books and read them with the old still creepy horror books throughout the month of fall because Poe said so time is upon me once again. The line up is still to be announced cause right now Caine's still causing trouble.
October means many things mostly good, some meh but it is also the herald of a time of madness, frantic tea drinking and a complete and total disregard for the recommended hours of sleep a human being should get. Oh yes, NaNoWriMo is coming closer, stalking like Ninja Cat ever closer bringing with it, ooo, inspiration.
But the coolest thing, by far, about October, this October in particular is that my best friend is getting married in less than a month. So exciting!

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