Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today is a very exciting day. I mean attention grabbing, 5 o'clock can't come fast enough kind of exciting. It is...Hunter patch day. Yes that's right patch 3.0.2 is being implimented as I type. Why is this exciting you may ask? Why am I completely geeking myself out over a patch for a game? Well unlike every other patch over the past year this one changes everything. For hunters we have new pets, new pet skills, ect but the entire mechanics of my class are changed. All my research and knowledge from the past year and a half has to be forgotten. It's so cool and kind of scary at the same time. Purely in a fun factor it's like starting up a whole new game. I get to learn how to play a hunter all over again. At the same time my use in groups will, in all likelyhood, be severely gimped.

/waves goodbye to super awesome competitive dps

meh, such is life. Happy Tuesday everyone!

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