Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gahhhh They Caught Me

Now I'm not usually paranoid about the government but when I picked up the phone and the caller ID read Big Brother I flashed back to 1984 and Orwell's voice telling me to run. I thought to myself "I didn't do it, he did it! The Sketchy one over by the tree!" Then it dawned on me, Big Brother doesn't want my obedience they just want my money. Click!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Abandoned Lonely Mutated Squash

I...Can't...take....the....wait...*shakes angry fist at the slow passage of time*

Why isn't it November yet? It should be. Then I could see my best friend and watch her get married. Plus it'll be Wrimo time finally and I can start writing in that frenzy that is so addicting and cardiovascularly dangerous. I figure it'll go something like this:

Week 1: Oo yah, look at this word count, hell this'll be easy, more tea

Week 2 Part A: I'm bored, story is crap, what's on animecrazy?

Week 2 Part B: Holy crap I'm behind, stupid word count, how can anyone type 1676 words a day!

Week 3: Coma, *blinks wearily at key board*, oh yeah ---> back into coma

Week 4: Frenzy is back and with a vengence, at this point I should just morph with my computers to become a creepy cyborg chick then I think and it shows up on the screen, no more typing {*fingers rejoice at the respite before remembering cyborgs don't exist. All ten figure are then depressed and mindlessly wander onto keys they shouldn't*}

Either that or I'll hook up a chai I.V. and just go from there. OOoooo chai, Yum!

Now back to the title you might ask yourself WTF? Sad little squashling pictures are forth coming to accompany a sasd little squashling tale. Speaking of I watched the Legend of Lucy Keyes last night, the movie based on the legend of the little girl who disappeared on Wachusett Mountain, and for an indie movie it wasn't that bad. Still if you want to watch horror movies based on local color definately watch the one based in the mental institute, (can't remember the name at the moment). That one scared the pants off me.

Happy Saturday!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Hmm, What would Jupitor do? If he say had the opportunity to play with an invasion of zombies or to go sit at the park for what could be very likely the last chance to do so this year, which would he pick? Which will I pick? Not sure yet.

Zombies are fun...with the shuffling, the drool, the brain munchies. Who doesn't like zombies?

The park is fun...there's sun, my bench, a pretty lake to look at. Plus it is a place of zen.

Zombies~~~~Park Zombies ~~~~Park

Borders trumps Zombies and the Park. Woot for sale in the fantasy section. I got paid today, can't wait to spend tomorrow!

Then again, the undead aren't so bad either....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


What a day! Having spent more than enough time feeling sick I had to do something so I started hunting for the last part of my Halloween costume. First stop was the mall. Well a red jacket was no where to be found but I got a new pair of jeans. Why is this so important that I put it in my blog? The damn things were $3.74. Hoyaah! Woot! ...Ahem, anyways after that was more errands and then coming home to find one sketched out dog. I don't know why but he's been very sort of 'meh' lately. Not sure if the cold is getting to him or if he's just being bitchy but if I put him in tights and a cape, called him Sketch Man and told him to fight crime the picture would totally fit. So we went on an adventure through the Audabon (yeah i can't spell) in the rain under the beautiful fall trees. Good for my Good for Jup...oh yeah. I think a jaunt down one every day or so plus the walks up the street will be just what he needs before we get to run around like maniacs in the snow.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

WTB non computer game

My faith in technology has shattered. Last night was supposed to be geek out central so I downloaded the patch, 1.2 gb's worth. I start it up and low and behold all but 1 realm was either lagging so badly you couldn't move, or just disappear from the loggin list all together like mine did. So I hopped onto vent (I was supposed to be leading a raid, no Kara this week, sadness) to see what else is going on and a fellow guildy says he's playing on a new pvp server. Next thing you know there are Dranaei Mages and Shamans running around everywhere. So last night, while very fun was a wash. So this morning I log on, thinking that Blizzard must have fixed it by now. Nope. However I did accomplish one thing in 3 hours. Say hello to Tarek, the newest member of my team. He's cute, he's cuddly, he does a whole crap load of damage on lots of things at once. (At the 1st sign of flying poo he's fired.) Then the question I've been asked the most in the past couple of days is are you getting a Corehound? Whatcha gonna name your corehound? Did ya get the corehound yet? Tonight I'm replacing said imaginary corehound (the whole stomp stomp stomp ground shake thing annoys me) with Caerik! The Chimera. I've always wanted one since the first time I stumbled into Winterspring and now I can finally have one. WoHoo.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today is a very exciting day. I mean attention grabbing, 5 o'clock can't come fast enough kind of exciting. It is...Hunter patch day. Yes that's right patch 3.0.2 is being implimented as I type. Why is this exciting you may ask? Why am I completely geeking myself out over a patch for a game? Well unlike every other patch over the past year this one changes everything. For hunters we have new pets, new pet skills, ect but the entire mechanics of my class are changed. All my research and knowledge from the past year and a half has to be forgotten. It's so cool and kind of scary at the same time. Purely in a fun factor it's like starting up a whole new game. I get to learn how to play a hunter all over again. At the same time my use in groups will, in all likelyhood, be severely gimped.

/waves goodbye to super awesome competitive dps

meh, such is life. Happy Tuesday everyone!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Lately I've been pretty lax in playing any sort of video game. Battle for Middle Earth is just depressing (Sauran fired me as his general...said I should look for a career that enhances my own personal skills. I say if orcs weren't such pansies the elves wouldn't be a problem. Oh well) purely because I lack a strategic mind. I play a little Fable here and there but spend most of that time stealing from npc's and killing town guards. Why? Cause I can. As for WoW I want to play don't want to raid. Ugh, there I said it. Burnout has caught up with me and oh my does it ever annoy me. Still, as a raid officer I put up kara runs every week and we pretty much clear most if not all of it. This time we stalled on Prince purely because one of our healers is still gearing and in mostly greens. Poor druid tank got 3 shoted. Kara I don't mind so much if people show up but the 25 mans are becoming annoying. You just can't pug 10 people, it never works.

So with that in mind I don't spend much time on Kelso anymore. It just seems more enjoyable to hide on an alt. (I'm not the only one who feels this way) Lecanu is, unfortunately, easy to spot in the guild list so I can't /gquit her. Kargish I could and will probably next week. But my new yay happy fun time is short, buff and chucks hammers at stuff. Say hello to Thalya the dwarf pally. Once I get to level 15 I'm going to stop and powerlevel a druid Selien (who will be feral) then see which one I like better.

Missing my hunter and my bear (/waves at Taberth) I just can't jump on without a lot of people whispering me for one reason or another. Dunno, maybe I'll try to solo Ramps with Tab later in the week, that should keep our skills up but it does make me wonder, will I be a bear tank hunter come WOTLK? Tab is my 1st (well actually 2nd), my best, my favored pet but the allure of a gorilladin is undeniably. What is a gorilladin you may ask? Oh it is pure awesomeness. Meet gorilla. Send gorilla after mobs, then more mobs, then a few more. Once the party is going tell gorilla to throw down a thunderstomp (10 sec cooldown) and boom! Pallys are not the only aoe tanks. Bears are getting a new spell as well, one that will hold onto upto 3 mobs at once. Neat but one problem. Mobs attack from behind so that is a whole lot of *tab target *retarget *retarget. Hmmm I'm sure after a level or two it'll get to be like habit but the easiness of a gorilladin is very seductive to this lazy lazy hunter.

My solution this week? Read. I have read so many short stories it is insane. Yeesh. I'm at work, been on duty for an hour and a half and guess what? I'm not in uniform. I forgot to put the damn thing on this morning. I can't wait till 2. Ugh need tea. Must have tea. Yum tea.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Yes I'm still alive

I know, I know, almost a week since I scared the internet with another post. What can I say, being sick makes me even lazier. I spent whatever time I could either in bed or on the couch, now granted it was not that much time but I feel the rest did me some good. So did the naps. Thankfully I had entertainment along for the ride.
Now a friend of mine (whose blog is very readable) started a flashback phenomenom. We had a discussion last Sunday about what shows and cartoons we liked to watch as a kid. This got me to thinking about why I watched certain shows. (There was that one with the giant talking owl in pants but seriously I'm 25 and I'd still watch it just to see a giant talking owl in pants. I might even tape it if they were funny pants...oooo like golf pants.)
Right, back on track, my favorite show as a child had to be Gargoyles. Why? Well yes I have a fascination with the statues and have my own little collection strewn about my house but that came later. The show itself was very deep, not only for it's time but the medium as well. Hell in the first season one of the main characters is shot by another main character, drama like that just doesn't happen on Hello Kitty's Railroad Adventure. Everyone had conflicts, some more subtle than others and the story lines were for the most part very interesting. (I do not count the 3rd season past S3 ep 1 for the simple fact that the creator left and then Disney made it happy carebear all is good fun time.) So this past week I would watch it to help me through the cold induced comma I am stuck in. Most kids show I look at now and just scoff at. This one I started to see the lines of conflict and drama that I couldn't as a child. Sweetness. Plus it's nice to not have to read subtitles. Gundam 00 and Bleach give me enough of that.
Ooo crap, work sucks!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Stuck inside a wall

It seems to be a week for the sick. First my best friend was sick and now so am I.


*buys more orange juice and dayquil

The worst part about being sick for me is I can't keep my attention on one thing at a time, instead I get all scatter brained. When I got home from the movies last night my biggest acomplishment was rounding up horror books to read. Today, I'm helping a friend move. Well, no, actually that's a lie. I am cheering while other people move the stuff. :) Still, it's the thought that counts.

So when I go home I have lots of options for stuff I will start but forget to finish.

1. Laundry

2. Dailies (Kelso)

3. Run Ramps (Lecanu)

4. Walk Jup

5. Find Netflix envelopes

6. Transcription

7. Sleep

8. Go on the PTR

Hmm what will happen? No idea. It's a struggle to keep typing.

*Cue pathetic violin music

/faints like the narcoleptic I know is in me somewhere

Oooooo, on a completely different note, Appaloosa! Great flick, it had an actual storyline behind it instead of that {BOOM I shoot you malarchy} alla the Quick and the Dead. Interesting characters, beautiful (and desolate) scenery plus it was really funny. This thing had some really good one liners and dialog. Don't go in thinking it's going to be a blood bath with never ending bullets cause it's not, this is an actual character driven story. Sweetness.

*wants to buy new coffee cups for no really good reason

Oh yeah my blog = posts of random epicness


*blames this mess of words on a very fuzzy brain grrrrr germs

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Friend

Friends, meet Caine. Caine is fun. I recommend being friends with him. Just don't expect him to watch his language. Ignore the cheezy cover, this book is way cooler that that.

So Happy October!
*cheer for Fall, pumpkins, leaves in other peoples yards, ghosts, toasty fires, leaves still on trees, and books
Oh yes, the annual find new scary horror books and read them with the old still creepy horror books throughout the month of fall because Poe said so time is upon me once again. The line up is still to be announced cause right now Caine's still causing trouble.
October means many things mostly good, some meh but it is also the herald of a time of madness, frantic tea drinking and a complete and total disregard for the recommended hours of sleep a human being should get. Oh yes, NaNoWriMo is coming closer, stalking like Ninja Cat ever closer bringing with it, ooo, inspiration.
But the coolest thing, by far, about October, this October in particular is that my best friend is getting married in less than a month. So exciting!