Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pick Me Pick Me

Hmmm, I have a quandry. To others it many seem small, perhaps even petty but to me it is HUGE. I'm in a club. It's a fun club, one I like very much. It's kind of hard for me to find people I can talk to with no bad episodes of paralyzing fear stabbing me in the head. Yay for the club. But the day when we meet has changed to a day I work. So do I try to change my schedule, perhaps even put to use my 'innocent eyes' in order to switch days or do I just suck it up and try to find another club. Oh yeah, 'innocent eyes' have already come out and are locked and loaded. (That cat from Shrek's got nothing on me.)

It is a beautiful day. Painters would look at today and be stunned by it's beauty, so much so that they would be unable to do it even a fraction of justice. It is a blanket outside stare at the clouds until twilight kind of day. I sit in my tin box and look out at it, pace through it and hope that I can at least enjoy the morning me and Jup had outside while the brownies were baking.

Did you ever want to scream and cry at the unjustice of something? The shout until you were hoarse that you were innocent? I kind of want to do that now, just to see what the people in the parking lot would do. A social experiment if you will. Ugh, I must have been Attila the Hun in another life to be stuck in a metal box at the end of a parking lot on a day such as this. So there's only one thing left to do. Round up my horde and take over the world! Ye Hah! (Hmm I now have the strangest image of Attila in a ten gallon hat with spurs and a lasso.)

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