"In nineteen minutes, you can mow the front lawn, color your hair, watch a third of a hockey game. In nineteen minutes, you can bake scones or get a tooth filled by a dentist; you can fold laundry for a family of five.... In nineteen minutes, you can stop the world, or you can just jump off it. In nineteen minutes, you can get revenge."
I read for fun. Most times there are swords and shit blowing up, magic, drama, angst, a little love and hopefully twists that I could never see coming. Then occasionally I become masochistic and read something that is painful. No like bad writing painful (though those do pop up only to fly into the ignore-the-crap-pile) but just plain emotionally painful. The last one was
My Sister's Keeper.
Yeah yeah chick lit, so sue me.
This time a book by the same author.
Nineteen Minutes.
While I am not bawlinig my eyes out like the Keeper book there is a whole lot of cinder blocks on my chest.
If I had read it as a teenager, it would have felt like reading my own diary if I had bothered to keep one.
Reading as an adult makes it even worse. I disagree with the actions, morally, legally, ethically there is nothing that says it is ok to blow away random classmates. I see how people act in "real life", hear stories of relationships, jobs, random encounters on the street and honestly I don't think you ever really leave high school. I think as you get older the smarter people just learn how to play the game.
Ahhhh catharsis, how you scratch out the usual irreverence that is the normal
Inspiration with Plums. This post has about as much sublty as a sledge hammer on a dandylion.
Well, irreverence tomorrow. Right now it is time for me and Jup to run around in the snow.
Aha! You probably thought that I would throw in so cheezy 'treat your fellow man like a puppy mixed with sparkly alligator' didn't you? I have a friend who is friends with some dude name Machiavelli. The Prince says to learn subtly. Marcus Aurelius says to suck it up and stop being unproductive with my free evening.
/watches Jup stare forelornly out at the snow
I think I'll listen to the wisest swami I live with. :)