Close enough anyways. Good Morning and welcome to another edition of I'm bored at Northgate. Today we will have features on...blah!
In serious news I have in fact discovered that I am part bear. (Now if only I had a better grrr face.) Seriously the weekend equated to me sleeping, listening to the coyotes maul a dog the next street over (wtb a less freakish alarm clock, fyi the dog is ok, I heard him barking yesterday), reading manga and then going back to sleep. I slept so much between Sat afternoon and Monday when I absolutely had to get up that I should not have close my eyes again for a week.
Rawr. Ima bear! :)
Well due to stress and a near unbreakable addiction to One Manga I have not really been willing or able to log onto WoW. Friday I logged because I was asked to for the newbie Ulduar raid but other than that I have been...not there. Last night I thought meh, what the heck, I'll go try to solo some level 70 heroics and ended up running a few level 80 heroics on Kelsomar. Was it fun? Yeah, once I remembered my shot priority and what the heck my buttons did (note to self, stop changing and renaming buttons on Warcraft, though I do like one that is now a picture of a pumpkin pie slice), did it make me want to play tonight? No. I did talk to another officer about the wow/healer burnout and I think he will give a little bit of leeway and maybe let me run on Kelso once in a while. This however depends entirely if I log on or not. Right now I'm leaning towards the not so much.
So if one was going to attempt to write another novel (or at least 50,000 words of one) in a month obviously a week before is the perfect time to start reading an 800 page Victorian horror epic.
-------------------->major epic fail in timing
Not that Drood isn't interesting, it is but damn its a work out carrying the blasted thing around.
WTB audio book of Drood read by Alan Rickman (seriously he does all the voices, it doesn't get any better than that!)
So I may finish my latest short story today, maybe edit my steampunk short story since I am using not only the characters but the world for my novel, I have another scene for Kept from the Light in my head that will be the rush to the epicenter of good bye world, read some Drood and Fruits Basket and be a Nanowrimo forum whore. Then go to the library to switch out more research material and get a book on basic Japanese cooking. Then again it is only 734 and I am ADD so that plan might change.
/rememebers the nice warm and cozy bed waiting at home, complete with two snuggly cats and a nap happy puppy
Yeah maybe, maybe not.
/remembers all the lawn furniture still outside and the leaves that have attempted to take over the Pepper yard
Errrr....welcome me home my warm, comfy and blanket laden bed!!!
Breaking the Silence
5 weeks ago
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