Well, last week was interesting! Announcements, theories, controversy, and the mere possibility of Heroic Deadmines! Combine that with our usual guild fun (T-7.5 geared people braving a T-9 raid just cause they can...and almost downing the 1st boss to boot? Sweet) and its been a party. Oh yeah, they released details of the new x-pac Cataclysm.
/rant in 3, 2, 1....
The face of Azeroth will change forever. Nelfs will lose half their territory and all my favorite zones will be...um....effected.
/wants to rant
No rants. Not about the landscape changes anyways cause it really is a cool idea. End of the world anyone? Why yes I'll take one with a side of massive floods please. (2012 eat your heart out!) Plus this has given me a new project to help off set the writing stress. Lecanu has no titles (I refuse to slap Jenkins on her) while Kelso has one that is no longer even attainable in the game. So whatever she gets has to be not so common (meaning she won't be sporting the 'of Ironforge' one anytime soon). However few people have the time to get the Explorer title. Even in guild only 1 guy has it. So my project, to see the world of Warcraft, take 1 screen shot in every zone of my favorite place, kind of like a photo album of Azeroth gone by and get a title in the process. Lecanu the Explorer, sounds kind of dashing doesn't it? Especially for a midget in a dress.
The changes to gear, talents, stats and the apparent overhaul of hunters I will not write of here and now (though the hunter changes had me spitting fire when I read them the 1st time). With at least a year until the release (hell Icecrown citadel hasn't even been released yet and Blizz has said there will be over 20 raid bosses in there, hello slow progression) so much can change that my horror might be premature and even if it isn't, meh what can I really do? In the mean time please enjoy the giant head I found on a cliff in Aszhara, the zone that no one really goes to and that apparently will be the home of a returning big bad in Cata. I hope she leaves the trees alone.
/loves pretty yet empty Azshara
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