Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

They're Back and the End is near!

My friends who I started playing WoW with two years ago decided to come back to playing again!!! This came about as Ailis' trial had only an hour left and we were questing on our D Nuggets. We had to summon a wintersaber Shy-Rotam and kill her. Then I realized that occasionally she called her mate who is a rare ass creature and I had a hunter moment. I wanted him and I had to have him! So they helped me summon her three times and finally Sian-Rotam, her mate showed up. (When I say they helped me I mean Ailis declared that he would be mine and kept at it) Needless to say I dumped my pretty but unspectacular wolf and made a new friend. World say hello to Thykir! (He's cool, he's calm, he's the second friggin cat in my stupid stable and neither of them are over level 75. Lazy cats)

On the writing front a moment of wow (no pun intended) has occurred. My novel, that itty bitty brain fart that I am trying to mold into a cohesive something is now a puzzle. The outline has been completed. I've written the ending. Now all I need to do is fill in the middle. It's great, it's awesome, it's slightly exhilarating and makes me want to dance or at least day dream about dancing.

It really is a big help to have that ending done and drafted. Its like a weight is off my shoulders and I can focus on other things like the new story idea bouncing around in my brain plus a short story/novella idea as well. Being a writer can be hell on the hands but oh man I would not want to live any other way!

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