Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Decision

It's taken me mostly all summer to come up with this decision. I didn't come to it lightly and feel a bit of trepidation just putting it into print. There is so much I want to see and do, (my new digital camera just screams to be used) and it seems so little time to fit it all in. My writing is sporadic at best and even though I am getting better at short stories and plugging away at my novel I am not where I would like to be with it. My TBR pile will soon be up to the roof if I don't start reading more and I only have one more month of free time before the new semester starts. Then there is Japanese. I finally have found a textbook that works for me added to my other two I have vocab, writing and grammar covered for the beginning levels.

Woot for exercise! I feel great having walks nearly everyday and get a good cardio workout every day I work due to the excessive amount of stairs I get to climb. Jup and I ramble through our neighborhood at night meaning he is getting healthier too. To all this I add my other fun.

Wow. Some of my friends hate it, others are indifferent, a few see why I enjoy it so much. My hunter Kelsomar has come along very nicely, almost full epics and I am in the top 3 damage in every raid I attend, plus my trapping skills have stuck around long enough for me to not look like a complete huntard. (Thankfully.) But after nearly two years (has it been so long?) I am ready for a change. Without the option of going Survival (sadness, I want to!!!) I have chosen an alternate focus for my week nights. Lecanu, my dwarvian shadow priest. Up to level 50 and going strong I plan to have her at 60 by Friday and on her way to the Outlands. I will be a Shadow weave Tailor and DPS main spec. Of course I will gather up a healing set and will respec as needed but I don't think I would be happy being a holy priest full time. (Just not me). I am having a great time leveling her and along with Shep my trust rabbit companion, (lazy butt just watches and eats grass while i do all the work) I'm finding I want to play the game again. A priest....who would have guessed.

So after that wall of text about several different and very much unrelated topics what could my decision possibly be? One I should have come to years ago.

I want to go to Japan, and if I like it I want to live there for a bit.
I want to finish my novel (and find a semi appropriate title for it).
I want to learn how to keep my garden from trying to eat my flowers.
I want to learn how to make peanut butter brownies from scratch.
I want to finish the blanket I started to a couple of years ago and it will be in my living room when I'm cold.
I want to level Lecanu up to 70, craft my two epic sets and be a raider. I want to heal when I can so others can find a change of pace and not get burnt out.
I want to stand in line in a few months when Wrath of the Lich King comes out and revel in the excitement with my fellow nerds.
I want to learn to laugh when it rains.

Normally I don't usually say those words out loud, "I want". It seems wrong in some way to me and I try to not think about them. I have decided these are what I want and I'm going to go get them. Resolve is fun and strong and slightly addicting I think. It's a great feeling. Resolve FTW!
(By the way that handsome guy up atop the thread is Katen. He's a good raptor! Just keep your hands from his face, he hasn't eaten today. :)

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