Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Modern World and Backyards

Happy Day after Memorial Day to everyone. Mine was quiet, thankfully and involved napping. That may not sound very celebratory but trust me when I say I needed it. Sleep does not come easy to me, nor can I stay asleep very long. Last night was a glorious 6 hours before I woke up for absolutely no reason. I sit here, watching the cats stalk the birds through the windows and I realize that yesterday I saw and heard no parties in the area. Most people were home, cars and such prove it and most people were not outside. Even I went outside, dragging poor Jupitor (my faithful roommate) with me. It made me wonder. Does getting older automatically mean the majority of people see their backyards as less interesting as the insides of their living rooms? I say this and sound like one of those nosy neighbors but trust me I'm not. It's just the neighborhood is usually much louder than it was this weekend. Well, for whatever the reason I enjoyed the quiet.

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