Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Time

Has come the Walrus said...

It is out, it is here. Google it already!!

The Alice in Wonderland trailer is pretty damn sweet. My book geek brain saw the Cheshire Cat and made a very loud exclamation at work where those are generally frowned upon.

I don't care. WOOOOOTTTT!!!!!

(He's psychotic, he's charming, he's what I have and always will believe cats are. This is why I accept that Button may murder me one day.)

Considering the atrocious lack of movie options out right now the fact that two of my favorite classics are coming out within months of each other is pretty freakin sweet. However it also makes me want it to be both December and March right now (and simulatenously) so I can watch both. Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler aside cause really the way Holmes is in the book is so odd you'd be hard pressed to find a large audience willing to watch someone who thinks that...logically, has said it will be true to the spirit of the books and the characters. Bring on the violin, cocaine and whatever that English martial art is!

Alice in Wonderland.


Now whether you find Alice to be a complete dweeb who really has no place to complain about her situations given her abominable judgement or like me you raise your hand and say 'I want to go too!' is not the point. The point is that in 3 years Tim Burton will have release 3 movies (Sweeney Todd, 9, and then A in WL) and for someone who grew up on his movies that is pretty freakin sweet.


Admittedly I have higher hopes for Alice in Wonderland. Sherlock Holmes, having read volume 1 of the short stories, is something that needs to be taken with a grain of salt. While it won't be Masterpiece theatre rubbish (better not be that dopey hat) if there is one line of "Elementary my dear Watson" the screen will get The Look. (FYI that phrase was never in any of the stories or novels.) Then again I am happy to watch whatever mayhem Holmes gets into.

Ok, enough babbling. Time to refresh the trailer.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I am a huge fan of Steampunk. (Google it if you don't know, really really fun stuff.) I've read the anthologies, watched the animes, I read the forums occasionally and have even gone to a festival. Now a new chapter...drunken airship pirates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yarrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hicup

Lol, I find stuff like this really fun and a couple of Abney Park's songs really helped my story move along yesterday. What is this story you may ask? A steampunk. :) Between Abney Park and the score from Once Upon a Time in Mexico I like the way my brain has been working lately.

Diver City is a go!!!!!!!!!

(What is the classic trademark of Steampunk? Goggles. Got to love an entire genre that is aware of on the job eye safety. OSHA would be proud.)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Orgy Time

Yes, since last night my brain has been in an all out nerd love geek fest orgy of OMG!

That's a long time. :)

Why? Might you be curious?

....Even if you aren't I don't care. Because

There is a life sized Gundam in Japan. (Gundam 00, if you haven't watched it yet go do it right now cause it's better writing than anything you'll see on American television.)

I squish your Tokyo

Let the nerd orgy continue!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


There is such a thing as being happy with what you have. IMHO more people should probably try this and see how it works out for them. But today I am going to ignore my own opinion and explore the idea of time.

Everything takes time. From making muffins to chucking my dearly devoted beast of a puppy into the tub, there are investments that have to be considered and measured so that everything gets done, day and day out.

In World of Warcraft there was, a long time ago, a little message when you first logged on that recorded the time that character had been played measured in everything from minutes to days, weeks to months. I forget what Kelsomar was at before that message stopped being showed but if was a good chunk of time, time well spent and very much enjoyed. Lecanu, being squishie, has less time played even though they are the same level. Healing is fun, being a Holy Priest has a ton of different spells, all of which have to be weighed and used properly otherwise people are going to die. (Is it bad that I like dying so I can turn into a spirit guide for 8 seconds? Probably)

But healing is tiring only for the amount of concentration it takes for me to do it with any sucess. Yes some people can do it while making dinner and breaking the theories of quantum physics. I am not one of them. My Hunter is fun, letting Tab tank 8 mobs at once and having both of us come out of the fight alive is decently spectacular but I consider Kelso my escape, my fishing alt, photo whore, who pals around with two cats, a bear, a flying serpent and a raptor on regular basis.

So really the only option is to level a new character right? But who? My resto Shaman? Naw, I already have a party healer. My warrior? That character, while she has pig tails and attitude dies more than any due a lack of any oh crap button. A druid? Leveled one to 22 and then accidently deleted it. (He was a horde tauren anyways. Horde is a lonely place for me. Everyone I know is Alliance!)

Being a visual creature I have always thought the animal models for druids were a bit meh. (No insult intended! I just think Tab and Thykir and Modo look cooler.)

My opinions have changed.

Night Elf Bear (tank) (Freakin sweet!!! Bottom right is who I am going to be. And please note the ye old bear form bottom middle.)

Night Elf Cat (dps) (Now that is a cat! Kommodo is not please but then Modo pawns all so she has little to worry about. Who will I be? The one with pink balls...)

For the Horde!!!! (If I still had one)

Tauren Bear (The other side looks pretty damned good! Especially love the earing. Looks way cool!)

Tauren Cat (Loving it! Want to kill th....hug them all!)

These will implimented with patch 3.2, whenever that is (hopefully not too soon so the guild can at least start into Ulduar when all these new alts are geared up), but I have been questioning whether I really want to sink time into a new character, one that up until now I have not put into the guild for a true anonymous experience. Then I got lonely. :(

But I do. While this is not my primary hobby any more it is still something I really enjoy, and I play with people who I genuinely like spending my time with. Besides I can be anonymous anytime I "forget to charge my cell phone", hypothetically of course. Besides it seems like I am waking up at 330am most mornings, too groggy to write and leveling a druid might at least give me something better to do than watch dvd comentary. Plus it earns me the disapproval I should have aimed for as a teenager but was too lazy actually get. Can't beat that!

Now, back to planning my vacation. Hint...It will be in the fall and I will be leaving Massachusetts if I can get my budget right. Woot! Open road here I come!

(Wow Northgate is great for blogging! Yes, I am really that bored.)

Lifestyles for the Short and Famous

Hello all. Good Morning!


The past two days have been what you would call very eye opening. Life changing. And utterly unambiguous.

Up until the time I was 19 I was active, very active, to the point where my two surgeries aside I cannot actually remember a long period of time where I wasn't doing, playing, learning something. (Hiking all the way up Mount Sqwiggles is still one of my all time favorite memories of my life.)

From 19 until last year I to put this politely...crippled. If I was a horse I would have been dog food long before now. Hell as a human I was very close to hopping into the Alpo can, well shuffling anyways.

The first six months after my last nerve root block (a lovely shot really) was spent getting out of the hell that is life with chronic pain and generally walking around in a daze. But there was also a bucketload of fear. Fear that the pain would come back. But, it didn't. A year passed and still nothing, nothing like it once was. Nearly two now and life is good. Running is still kind of out but I can live with that. The best part? That fear is finally going away.

Yesterday was the first day I had the time, energy and appriopriate weather to test out my new bike tires. (June had something like 23 straight days of rain and 4 sunny days. Grunge music started speaking to me again. Yeah it was that cheery.) So I hop on in full view of every active child in the surrounding area. Thankfully I didn't fall off until after getting out of their line of sight. Riding a bike. When it's been 6 years there is a surprise adjusting period of peddle peddle peddle OMG my legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That quickly changed to OMG my head's going to explode but once that drifted off it was an incredibly sweet little trip along Massasiot, to the park and past all the cookie cutter houses that creep me out. It wasn't even ruined when I realized as I was going down my hill that the bike has really no breaks (Feet as Brakes FTW!)

The outcome? I now no longer feel like a lump of flesh for sitting for so long as I happily used both Kelso and Lecanu (or Lucy Ann if you ask Lefty) for the AZ guys full Naxx clear. (I even got a new neck and a new ring! Who doesn't love getting phat loots! ) I still apparently retain some youngster resilience as I am not sore, limping or anything today. Woot!

And today it's raining again. Great.....
Hmmm well I guess a nap is in order....when I get off from work obviously! ;)
And myabe some WoW. Or an afternoon spent at Borders. Maybe both. I live decadently after all!
Plus I am beginning to plan my vacation. To where you may ask? That, my friends, is another post.