Rock the Pavement

Welcome to my Happy World. Don't feed the bears.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I am a fan of quotes. Case in point...

"Talking money..."
"Talking monkey?"
"Talking monkey? Yeah yeah. Came here from the future, ugly sucker, only says 'ficus'."

Classic! (Points to you if you can name that film)

My favorite quote of the week?

"homicidal hat trick"

I can't give too much away but it's in the book I'm reading. An epic fantasy...they have hat tricks there too???? Nice!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I had no idea what would come up when I typed action figure...

I like this, it makes me feel less demented.


(ROFL "yes your g-string makes me more comfortable)

((This is really helping to turn my weird ass weekend around))

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

English Smenglish

{Two rant posts back to back, yikes.}

There are things that I take pride in on a personal level and others that are purely external. Example: I take pride in my once sought after skills as a goalie. I also take pride when the Sox whip the Yankees even as a person who doesn't care much for baseball.

Accents. No matter where you are from you have one. Don't think so? Go somewhere else and see if those people talk funny. If they do then you my friend are afflicted with an accent.

I don't really think the Mass accent is all that difficult, certain letters are open for interpretation, some you just don't need and voila!, your done.

Then Hollywood comes along and certain people butcher it so we sound like a New Yorker with cotton balls in his mouth.

Case in point

It was bad enough some of the more dramatic lines in The Departed were funny just because of bad accents or no accents at all, letting DiCaprio do it a second time seems closer to a crime. BTW I'm not knocking the movie, (it might be really interesting) but come on! New career path, become a dialect coach. Hmmm, wait, that actually doesn't sound too bad at all! Time to go research.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Kangaroo would work better

Late night television. Ever since I was old enough, and sometimes before when I wasn't in my parents eyes, I have loved watching The Tonight Show. You couldn't beat Jaywalking, Headlines, the occasional hungry animal jumping on Jay Leno. It was good times. Even when I didn't have cable I'd watch it on line.

So now what the hell do I watch at 1130?

Conan O'Brien, I don't know him, (I'm sure he's a nice guy blah blah blah) but ummm The Tonight Show is dead. What's worse is they have had the most lack luster guest list for the first two weeks. Jimmy Fallon took over Late Night with(..) and he's had better guests in the past two weeks. Way way better guests. Lots of them.

I refuse to watch Letterman, pardon the language but he's a dick. Then I read a study about this, (proving there is way too much random grant money rolling around) and it basically said that alot of people are in the same boat. Plus its kind of sad that this is a big enough decision for enough people that the stupid article was even published but anyways back to my sadness.


So far Limmy Fallon is the least objectional so at least its something to watch when The Late Late show doesn't have anyone interesting on.

Change is hard.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rainy Days and Socks

On sunny days I have no problem with doing housework but on rainy days I seem to find reasons to go outside. Rain is and always has been really fun in the same way mud was fun when I was 5, it's kind of gross so it makes it all the more cool. I am at work, drying off from my last foray into the world of free-falling precipitation and missing dearly my PS2. Why? Well it is fun to play games true but also because it is my DVD player and lately I have been vegging out quite often with weird indie movies. Thank you again to little Brother for hooking it up to my pimp tv!
Netflix has been a great reinvestment though it does seem to trump playing WoW at this point. I think, stupidly, that having leveled a second 80 only to find we don't raid any more I have quit for all intensive purposes. (It is more than just a little anticlimatic.) It's still there if I need if I guess.

However some of the movies have been quiet good if not a little weird.

One movie I definately recommend is The Soloist, now playing at the West Boylston Cinemas. Great movie, acting, story, very dramatic so don't go in expecting laughs, though there were a couple good ones thrown in.

Now all that is left is the wait until June 24th when Transformers comes out. I am lucky enough to remember the original series me and Brother watched a long time ago, (shesh even typing that makes me feel old), and the best part of that series was the noise the Autobots made when turning from robots into cars and vice versa.

Since I can't search much here I can't link the sound so rock out to this instead.


Oh, just one more thing.

Grats to the Pittsburgh Penguins!!!! Stanley Cup Champions!!!!
Now we don't have to hear every commentator stomping on Fleury questioning whether he is a big time goalie or just a lucky chump. Take that Detroit!!!!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Anything learned after 16

Is really just extra. This is a quote from a movie, (don't ask me which one I'm lucky I still remember my own name) and one that I find has merit. So with that in mind...

Things I learned before 16

10.) Humans do not bounce no matter the effort or practice

9.) There is snow on top of mountains in the middle of August...(and it's still amazing)

8.) Reading is more important than sleep but sleep gets you into less trouble

7.) Everyone should have their own door to the outside world

6.) Just cause you could get caught does not mean you shouldn't try

5.) Road trips are always worth it

4.) You don't have to be popular for everyone to know your name

3.) Don't feed'll get a panic attack

2.) Nature rocks but gets boring when you never get a turn with the Sega

1.) If something makes you laugh out loud, watch more cause few things in this life will ever be that magical

So, in honor of #1 is something that made me fall off my chair and choke on coffee. Granted I started at episode 10 at least there's proof it has longevity.

Epic win

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Stick it to the Man

I've never been one for speeches. Not reading, or writing them and when I have to listen to one my brain dies a little bit. But putting that aside I have found one that is brilliant. (Sadly not the debate club one where I was interviewed in a murder trial, that is an entirely different post.)

Read this if you can

This is the best graduation speech I have ever heard of. (Not one mention of that Robert Frost poem! That alone deserves a gold star.)

It is also the best graduation speech that will never be heard because this poor kid's school has vetoed it. Wow, wouldn't want a thoughtful creative speech when some drunk sod can ramble on about two roads in a wood and which one leads to hot models and the other to a life as a fry wizard while living in Mom's basement. Hmmmm that sounds suspiciously like the one I had to sit through. Weird.

It's great to know that the education system likes to encourage students to think out of the box. Maybe some day they'll start teaching them how to do math, read, or even where Hungary is.


OK maybe geography is a stretch. Who needs that?