Blogging is something that is not really a big part of my life but more or less an exercise in writing. If it manages to entertain all the better. During the week there is a large list of blogs I check (the one listed on this site is a very compact version) that have sometimes very different subject matter. From books to food, gardening to soccer, comics to WoW and of course authors and writing, there's a couple ready to read for whatever mood I'm in.
Lately, especially with the WoW blogs, it seems like many people, influential bloggers are quiting. BRK, Resto4Life, DwarfPriest, to name a few are either leaving their blogs or making new ones, (personally like the breakdown Phaelia gives about X-Men comics though it is shipper-centric). I have and will mention WoW here, mostly little quips plus the fact that Tab (Fear the Bear!) is the mascot. Now that I have a second 80, damned straight there will be some posts about the "ZOMG! Opps you died!" experiences. Holy Priests are fun to play but I think perhaps I have too many situational heals and forget which ones do what. (I also have 1 I don't even know how to use and looking thorough the priest forums no one else does either.)
So hence my question: does blogging about a specific subject deaden your interest in that subject? If so yikes! Perhaps my wayward rambling is a good thing (aside from the obvious perk of keeping me occupied at work).
That said....
Holy Priest. Me...the kid who never wanted to play a caster in every video game I've ever played. Kind of still boggles me. Lecanu After hitting 80 last Friday night I decided 'what the hey let's just jump right in'. As a hunter I have spent many groups being 'persona non grata'. Everything from being ignored to people being downright rude. (Yes thank you, I run Omen and am well aware of my aggro. I also know when to feign and no I'm not going to pull aggro so get your panties out of that twist and go back to making the big angry thing mad! When I start telling you how to tank is when you get to tell me how to play a hunter.) The sad part is that I have surprised many groups with either CC, MD or even having my pet under control. It doesn't say much for us as a class. But whenever I pug on Kelso we are always short a healer. Never fails the last person who joins is someone who was probably sick of me spamming trade with LF Heals.
So as a one needs *&^% healers! (Murphy you bastard Irishman...I hate you). So so far my heroics experience has been limited (add in the hectic weekend and its understandable) to UK, UP, Nexus, VH and 1 pull in Gundrak where I realize that group was so undergeared and they were going to kill me. Gear, so far 2 drops that were upgrades but no epics yet. Fun factor? For someone prone to panic attacks it does raise my blood pressure and get that adrenaline pumping, something that sadly has been missing from my hunter for the past 3 months. Goals? Oh yeah tonight once I get my almost finished steampunk story 2nd drafted heroics here I come! Or at least someone will see me spamming trade chat. :)